Well I saw a similar thread comparing SuperPI scores in the PCs thread. So why not have a similar thread for comparing phone benchmarks eh?
For compatibility across ALL PHONES, I chose to use a JAVA Benchmark - FPC Benchmark. That way, Androids, WMs, Symbians, Badas, Generic Phones, Blackberrys, all have compatibility (vie emulator at the very least).
Here are the Instructions->
Go to the
1M Digit
2M Multi Thread
STEP-1 (Alternate) ->
Please note, certain phones (or java emulators) don't have a complete JAVA JSR Library, hence the application might not be able to run the 3Dimension test or might not be able to start at all.If this is the case, then -
Go to the
Run the Following Tests -
1M Digit
2M Multi Thread
STEP-2 ->
After completing the required tests, Press Start, then press Options>Saved Results and then note down your scores and then post them here in this format-
Remember- NO CHEATING!-
1. No switching off the phone radio or going into Flight Mode.
2. Keep the default set of services and processes open. No killing processes or tasks that are default to the phone. Unnecessary 3rd Applications can be disabled or killed.
3. If you are using CFW or Custom ROMs please specify that clearly in the NOTE.
4. Please try not to fight - Android VS Symbian, Nokia VS Sony Ericsson, etc. etc. Healthy discussions are permitted.
Known Issues- -
Blackberry Curve 9650 - Do not let the phone idle as the CPU Speed possibly decreases resulting in worser performance.
I'll start first
We'll make a database if people take interest in this thread .... Thank You
For compatibility across ALL PHONES, I chose to use a JAVA Benchmark - FPC Benchmark. That way, Androids, WMs, Symbians, Badas, Generic Phones, Blackberrys, all have compatibility (vie emulator at the very least).
Here are the Instructions->
Go to the
and download FPC Benchmark 3.1. Then install it on your phone normally (or via Emulator for Android or other devices). Press Start and then press Options and then run the Following Tests (You might need a keyboard emulator (if you are using a full touch phone) to select this) -FPC Benchmark Site
1M Digit
2M Multi Thread
STEP-1 (Alternate) ->
Please note, certain phones (or java emulators) don't have a complete JAVA JSR Library, hence the application might not be able to run the 3Dimension test or might not be able to start at all.If this is the case, then -
Go to the
and download FPC Benchmark 3.1 without 3D Capabilites. Then install it on your phone normally (or via Emulator for Android or other devices) and run the following tests-FPC Benchmark Site
Run the Following Tests -
1M Digit
2M Multi Thread
STEP-2 ->
After completing the required tests, Press Start, then press Options>Saved Results and then note down your scores and then post them here in this format-
DEVICE - xxx
FIRMWARE\ROM - xxx (Please state if using CFW or Custom ROMs)
ADDITIONAL FIRMWARE/ROM Information or Branding - xxxxx (Baseband Version, etc.)
EMULATOR USED - Yes (Emulator Name and Version) / No
OS - xxx
CPU - xxxxx xxxxx xxxx Mhz (Put OC tag if Overclocked)
RAM - xxxmb
FPC Version - FPC 3.1 Standard / FPC 3.1 No GPU.
1M - xxx seconds
2M Multi Thread - xxx seconds
3Dimension - xxx points
NOTE - Any additional information may be entered here. Example which CFW was used and anything which would be essential to other users checking the scores.
<IMAGE PROOF> (No Device Screenshots. Camera shots of the screen preferrred)
Remember- NO CHEATING!-
1. No switching off the phone radio or going into Flight Mode.
2. Keep the default set of services and processes open. No killing processes or tasks that are default to the phone. Unnecessary 3rd Applications can be disabled or killed.
3. If you are using CFW or Custom ROMs please specify that clearly in the NOTE.
4. Please try not to fight - Android VS Symbian, Nokia VS Sony Ericsson, etc. etc. Healthy discussions are permitted.
Known Issues- -
Blackberry Curve 9650 - Do not let the phone idle as the CPU Speed possibly decreases resulting in worser performance.
I'll start first

DEVICE - Sony Ericsson Aino U10i BLACK
OS - GENERIC SONY ERICSSON (Platform: Java A200 - DB3350)
FPC Version - FPC 3.1 Standard
1M - 76 seconds
2M Multi Thread - 159 seconds
3Dimension - 453 Points
NOTE - No Applications running, everything on stock. Full Signal. Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS all disabled. Only phone modifications are fonts, acoustics and theme.
DEVICE - RIM Blackberry Tour 9630 CDMA/GSM
ADDITIONAL FIRMWARE/ROM Information - Tata Branded
OS - RIM Blackberry OS (Platform: V4.1.0.75)
FPC Version - FPC 3.1 No GPU
1M - 203 seconds
2M Multi Thread - 413 seconds
NOTE - Very Poor results. Possibly due to an unoptimised Java Engine or unnecessary processes clogging the phone. 3 Bars Signal, Bluetooth Off, Dual SIM but with only CDMA SIM present.
We'll make a database if people take interest in this thread .... Thank You