Guide The Ultimate Ubuntu Customization Guide!

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The Ultimate Ubuntu Customization Guide
Open Source has always been 1 step ahead of Windows/OSX as its Open for all and its free :) when Gaming is not taken into consideration ;). There are many OS in Open Source World but choosing the right one is tough , the main dominator's of Open Source OS department are Open Suse, Ubuntu and Fedora ..

Among these three the former two are the most stable in the Open Source world. Open Suse is mainly considered for high end Tux user, while Ubuntu is for any one even for one whose hasn't use Linux.

While other OS in Linux world are also there some newly emerged stars in this arena are Mandriva this is mainly for newbie. while some other are Slax, Dynebolic. Today all Os companies are at their peak M$ launched Vista , Apple launched Leapord while there are newer version of Linux .This guide I bring up for those who are newbie in Ubuntu customization and are new to Open Source
world .. Since two new OS i.e Vista and Leapord have been released. Both these Os are full of eye candy. So this guide wll be focusing on customizing the Ubuntu to much similar looking Vista and OSX Leapord.

I have tried to kept the guide as simple as I can so that even a newbie can
understand how to make changes.

Points to Ponder

This guide is made to customize Ubuntu Feisty Fawn aka Ubuntu 7.04 . If you did not know where to get it then look here Go: Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Free . Here you will find all the essential information how to get Ubuntu OS. If you face any problem while installing the Os then refer Montylee guide here Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Installation guide .

“The themes icon set , wallpaper ,desklets used while
customization the Operating System are ® to thier
respective owner. Copying and use of those
application are free and can be distributed without
the owner permission.â€

Apart from the theme icon set posted you can get your own choice icon set , theme and wallpaper from Gnome *Look . So you can install themes, screensaver, icons and all from the above link.

[break=Customization To OSX]

Customization To OSX

So finally lets begin the customization of Ubuntu. 1'st customization will be dedicated to change the way and looks of your Ubuntu to Mac OSX. So here is the default Ubuntu desktop. What you notice is 2 taskbars one for navigation for the menu and other for navigating active windows using trash can and other option.

While OSX sports only 1 task bar and a dock.. I'll let you know how to configure and install both the objects . So lets start doing customization.

Follow the steps below to configure the panels/task bars as same as OSX..

  • The first thing is to make only 1 panel available. To make our task bar like OSX we need to delete the lower panel.To delete the lower panel Right Click the lower panel and select delete panel option.
  • Now the lower panel get deleted. Notice:That the deleted panael contain Trash Can & the Show desktop button. Since we all delete files so trash can is important, while Show Desktop is not.
  • So now configure panel with lost icons and few customization. Delete the
    Menu Bar on the Upper Left side of the Panel. To delete this simply right
    click the menu bar and select remove from panel.Now remove 3 icons near menu bar like Fire fox and help. Simple right click icons and selec remove from panel.
  • Since you have deleted all source to reach menu now its difficult to reach menu. So to make it simple, right on the empty space on the upper left corner from where you deleted Menu bar and select “Add to Panel†and you will see some icons there scroll down to the utility section. In the Utility section click on “Main Menu†do not choose menu bar choose only Main menu then click add to panel.Now like OSX/Windows start button you have also created the start button.
  • Now create a separator to do this just click near to the Main Menu/Start button and select Add to panel again scroll down to Utility Section and select Separator and click on Add.Now you have separator btw menu and application.
  • You can also add “Quick Launch†to the upper task bar . To do this right click near the separator of main menu and click on Add to Panel option. In add to panel windows there are 2 Tabs one is for Custom Application Launcher and other is Application launcher. Select Application launcher. Then there will be main menu type drop down list. Select the application that you want to add in your Quick Launch through Drop down list.Now you have successfully created quick launch .
  • Now one thing is left that is Trash Can/Recycle bin. to create the icon for Trash Can right click on the upper left empty near the network icon and select Add to panel Option. Now under “Desktop & Windows†option choose Trash can and Click on add.

Now the customization of panels if being done the next step is to install theme, icon set and cursor.

For OSX I have short listed 1 theme for Visual Style,Icons and Cursor. Since there are different theme from which you can try it out but for the guide I am recommending the same.

Here are download link of theme , icon set and cursor.

Installation:* Installing themes and icon are pretty similar. To install theme and icon follow the follow the following property.. It is advisable that you follow the customization of Panels before than installing the theme ;)

To install the themes and icons first download them from the given location.

  • After you download them you wil notice they are zipped packs a special
    extension file ;) .
  • The next step do not unzip the file leave them as it is. Now click on the Start Button/Main Menu. Now points towards System.Then towards Preferences. Then select theme option.
  • Now after you'll open theme a new window will appear having few options and some themes pre-*installed.

  • Click on Install Theme button. Then browse the file where have you kept and then select it. Note: Keeping the files on desktop wil help a newbie. ;)
  • Now after you select the theme it will get installed automatically. Now you will be asked to “Keep Current theme†or “Apply New Theme†select apply new theme. The installed theme will be temporarily be saved as a “Custom Themeâ€.
  • Now after you get your theme installed time for installing the Icons. Installing Icons is damn easy in the same theme window you will notice a button tagged “Customize†click it.
  • Now a new screen will open which will contain 4 tags. Points towards icon and select it. Click on Install Icon button and browse the icon where you saved it. Select it and will get installed automatically.


Now after you installed the Icon Set close the Customize Window.Now Click on Save button and save your theme by giving it an appropriate name. Bingo you just installed a theme and icon.

Cursor :* There are 2 ways to install a cursor.One is just as same as installing Icon and other.

  • 1st Installation Process :* To install an icon follow these steps .. The Icon Set also comes in file format. If a icon did not come in format and come in .zip format then try looking under the zipped might the author put the .tar.gz inside the zipped pack .
  1. Click on My Menu/Start Button, point towards System, then towards Preferences, then select Themes.
  2. A new windows will appear . Click on Customization . Point towards Icon click on Install ..Browse through the file select it and click ok.
  3. After installing the Cursor it will ask you to “Keep Current theme†or “Apply New Theme†then select Keep Current theme. Now exit the Themes windows.
  4. Next step is to set your installed cursor.. to do this . Click on My Menu/Start Button, point towards System, then towards Preferences, then Click on Mouse options.
  5. A new windows will open.. Click on Pointer Tab scroll down to see your installed Cursor .. Select it by clicking it.


  • 2nd Installation Process: * The second installation is darn easy. 1'st download the .tar.gz file . The Uncompress it. You'll find a folder named after the Icon . Like if you download abc.tar.gz then the Unzipped folder will be abc.

  1. After you uncompress the folder. Copy or Cut the folder. Hope you all know how to do that :bleh:.
  2. Then click on My Menu/Start Button, and point towards Places. Open My Computer or any drive you want.
  3. Then in the address bar of the Opened windows type /home/<user name>/.icons this will open a new windows where all Icon cursor and theme get saved.
  4. Paste the copied or cutted unzipped folder here. Exit the windows.

Next step is to set your installed cursor.. to do this .

  • Click on My Menu/Start Button, point towards System, then towards Preferences, then Click on Mouse options.
  • A new windows will open.. Click on Pointer Tab scroll down to see your installed Cursor .. Select it by clicking it.

Now you get a fulfilled OSX Leapord desktop. Decorate your desktop with OSX theme matching Wallpaper.You are done with OSX Customization.
WoW is at next page what you waiting read the next part too :P.

[break= Customization To Vista]

Customization To Vista

2nd customization will be dedicated to change the way and looks of your Ubuntu to M$ Vista. As we all know Vista sports only 1 task bar. Which is on tha lower part of desktop rather than upper when compared to OSX upper taskbar
Follow the steps below to configure the panels/taskbars as same as Vista.

  • The first thing is to make only 1 panel available. To make our task bar like Vista we need to delete the upper panel.To delete the upper panel Right Click the upper panel and select delete panel option.
  • Now the upper panel get deleted. Notice:That the deleted panel contain Menu Bar, Clock, Sound Control, Workspace switcher, network connection and Notification area. All these icons are very important so we need to put them all back in the lower panel.
  • So now configure panel with lost icons and few customization. Delete the Show Desktop on the lower Left side of the Panel. To delete this simply right click the Show Desktop and select remove from panel.
  • Since you have deleted all source to reach menu now its difficult to reach menu. So to make it simple, right on the empty space on the lower left corner from where you deleted Show Desktop and select “Add to Panel†and you will see some icons there scroll down to the utility section. In the Utility section click on “Main Menuâ€do not choose menu bar choose only Main menu then click add to panel.Now like OSX/Windows start button you have also created the start button.
  • Now create a separator to do this just click near to the Main Menu/Start button and select Add to panel again scroll down to Utility Section and select Separator and click on Add.Now you have separator btw menu and application.
  • You can also add “Quick Launch†to the upper taskbar . To do this right click near the separator of main menu and click on Add to Panel option. In add to panel windows there are 2 Tabs one is for Custom Application Launcher and other is Application launcher. Select Application launcher. Then there will be main menu type drop down list. Select the application that you want to add in your Quick Launch through Drop down list.Now you have successfully created quick launch .
  • Now we have to add three new things. i.e Clock[ Not necessary if you plan to use Widget Clock], Volume Control and Notification area.
  • Now to add these three things right click near the workspace switcher which looks like 2 small rectangle. Then open Add To Panel.. 1st from Accessories select Clock. 2nd from system and hardware select Volume Control. 3rd from Utilities select Notification Area. Now you are done with customization of Vista Taskbar.

For Vista I have short-listed 1 theme for Visual Style,Icons and Cursor. Since there are different theme from which you can try it out but for the guide I am recommending the same.

Here are download link of theme , icon set and cursor.
Installation: The installation process is same so I think its useless to repeat again and again :)

[break=Of Docks and Desks]

Of Docks and Desks

A computer without any eye candy is just like a Tea without Sugar. The docks
& desklets present in Windows and OSX are memory hog while docks &
desklets in Linux are not memory hog. Even a system with 256 MB ram can
run them easily without any hang and hassle. Thats why Linux customization is
way better even if you do not have power monters. So lets start to learn how to
install Dock and Desks.

Installation of Desklets/Widgets :* Today with increasing awareness for Open Source resources for Open Source are also increasing .. There are lots of option for Desklets manager like gDesklets, aDesklets and all .. while most used and pretty stable version is gDesklets.
So I'll let you know how to install gDesklets.

To Install gDesklets follow these steps.

Click on Main Menu/Start Button. Now points towards Accessories and click on Terminal. The Terminal is the Code Panel from where you can access any part of OS through it you can install,un-install any program.

Type this in Terminal:“sudo apt*get install gdesklets†without quotes. You will be prompt for password enter it . The password won't be visible even it would be seen through symbols like * . But the pass code get
entered so didn't get haphazard. After few step you will be asked that the application will consume an amount of disk space do you want to continue press y and hit enter after all the installation done. type exit and hit enter.

Now you can Access your Gdesklets from Main Menu*> Accessories *>gDesklets.

Since the gDesklets will not get added to your Startup Items automatically so you have to add it :). To do this . Click on Main Menu/Start Button. Point towards System and then towards Preferences. and then click on Sessions.
Then under Startup Program Tag click on New . In Name bar enter gDesklets and in Command Bar enter gdesklets start.

“Phew thats all for tiny looking gadgets that aquify your desktop.â€​

Now what you waiting for add some desklets from gDesklets . Open it from Accessories and to add a desklets double click from the given option.

Note: You can configure/move and adjust the desklets by right clicking them .

Few Sites from where you can install additional desklets for gDesklets.

  1. Unofficial gDesklets : Zen Computes
  2. Official gDesklets : gDesklets Home Page

Screenlets:- Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications just like desklets, screenlets add eye candy to the desktop they are written in Python. language :).The screenlet are more advanced and better quality version of screenlets. Install it and have fun :)

To install screenlets follow these steps :-

1'st we need to add Repositories to the file system so that while installing we get authentication from file checker.

To add Repo. follow these steps.:-

Click on Main Menu, then point towards System then towards Administration the open Synaptic Manager by left Clicking it. Since it comes under Administration so you need to enter the passwords.
After Synp Manager get open, look at the tool bar it is having and click on Settings a drop down list will appear . Select Repositories from the list. A new windows will appear .. Click on the Third Party Software tab . Under this click on add and copy the following commands in the bar.

deb [url][/url] feisty screenlets

Add it and close Repositories screen.

Now to confirm you had done it correctly look again in Synaptic Manger tool bar and click on “Editâ€. a drop down list will appear and click on “ Reload Package Information†. Now after the process ends. Click on Search option and type Screenlets and hit enter . This step is to confirm the addition of Screenlets repo.

Now Installation begins. To Install Screenlets click on Main Menu then point towards Accessories and open Terminal ... In terminal type these commands.

wget [url][/url] -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update

and hit enter .. After the process gets done. type this

sudo apt-get install screenlets

and hit enter .. The screenlets will get downloaded and will be installed in the system ...

Now to access it Click on Main Menu point towards Accessories and Open Screenlets. Now to add a screen lets click on it and add it :) Now your are done with screenlets installation and usage :)
Note: You must use Berly to get the full effect of Screenlets else you will get Black corners in screenlets.


To get more info and screenlets :
- Screenlets
Installing Docks.: Docks are very good replacement for taskbar depends if you can master them without Task bar .Docks are good source of eye candy which hogs memory I n case of other Paid OS. While not so in Linux as already told.. [ Err. I am embarrasing Windows users :P]
But still we Tuxer did not receive any Stable version of any of the docks presents today for Linux. But AWN [Avant Windows Manager] & Kiba Dock
promises to provide a stable version very soon. There fore leaving this part for now. :)

Note: Docks will not work good until and unless Berly or Compiz ios installed in the Os.

Terminal Hack :* As you all will be seeing that my Terminal is transparent though its not.Its just take the wallpaper part it cover while if any application over ride or come under it it will not show it.
Though for Optimum transparency you need to Install Berly/Compiz. But the hack can be used though. To make transparent without Berly follow the steps:
Open Terminal in the toolbar its having click on Edit tab. Then select Current Profile, a new window will open click on Effects tab. Under effects tab you will notice background option. Select Transparency and adjust the amount of transparent desktop you need.

For Berly/ Compiz related querie see this :A thread for Berly/Compiz discussion:*
Beryl/Compiz plugins discussion thread.

Log In Screens :* Log in screen is a screen where we enter the User Name and Password to enter the OS. While Windows also offer no password option but in Ubuntu and other Linux distross a User Account
cannot be created without putting password. So let see how to change the change the Log in Screen.

To do this 1'st install the GDM theme i.e the Log in Screen . To download the link. Gnome*Look: GDM themes

Now as you have downloaded the GDM themes its time to install it .. To install it Click on Main Menu/Start Button. Then point towards system then towards Administration then to Log In windows sice it is under Administration Section you will be prompted to enter the password 1'st before opening the program.
Then click on Local Tab click on Add , browse through the GDM theme and
add it then after you added it click it to set it to the current Log in windows :)

WoW we are done now ! Note the widget, docks, Terminal hack , Log In windows can be used with any theme i.e OSX or Vista :).

[break=In the End!]
In the End!

Summing it up all your Desktop should look like this atleast .. This is my current
Mac OSX looks .. Hope I had made it simple. Thanks for reading.
Note: For proper customization you need to read each and every word of the Guide .
This guide and PDF are © to Dark Star and illegal reproduction is prohibited. Though distribution for help is allowed .

Here is my desktop . After configuring yours post it here :)

That's all for now. Hope you all will like the hard work..:cool2:
Keep the reply and suggestions coming. Any queries ask.

Ever your Sincere
Dark Star
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Dark Star said:
@ all the pdf file has been updated in attachments so plz download the new 1 as it has additional screenlet topic ;)

@ ArtfulDodger :- :P Cause mac is as soothing as Vista :P

Once you get the ubuntu studio look, you'll forget about mac and vista :P

here are some instructions :)

» Installing Ubuntu Studio Theme by Complicated Mind

I'm not sure that all the packages get installed correctly with the instructions in the guide.

I went to synaptic , searched for studio, and installed some packages manually ( i think the splash and gdm)

either way, dont install everything with ubuntu studio in it ... some are the audio and video editor packages , and a low latency kernel for audio recording work , which unfortunately crashed with my nvidia driver :(

for those of you still running after the vista look , another guide to vista-izing linux : vistalinux -

and a small detail

Nice work m8, now if only I can get my lazy butt off the couch and do some Linuxy things I have always wanted to
Here are some more : New themes ad Icon set addons... + a new thing...

Now telling you all 1 more thing how to change the Boot screen there are terminal commands to change Boot screen .. But those can be too much for a newbie... So here is a tool that can help you ....

Download: Startup Manager from here StartUp Manager - Info
Now Click on Latest version and a .deb file will be downloaded now just open the .deb file and it will do the rest of stuff by itself.....
The Start Up manager is located at Main Menu ->System -> Administration.
Open it you can easily customize themes from there.. .for Boot Screen to download latest Boot Screen click here

Hope it added a lot in customization :P

Peas Ds :)
The following guide will teach you (step by step) how to install Compiz Fusion on your Ubuntu 7.04 operating system. Be aware that Compiz Fusion is still in heavy development, so it may not be very stable.

Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal for GNOME users) Since this guide for Gnome USers so this too is for Gnome only :hap2:

sudo apt-get -y remove compiz-core desktop-effects

Leave the terminal open and go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources, click on the second tab (Third-Party Software), then click on the "Add" button and paste the following code:

deb [url][/url] feisty eyecandy

Click the "Add Source" button after you pasted the above code and to the same for the following code:

deb-src [url][/url] feisty eyecandy

Don't close the Software Sources window yet!
In the terminal window, type:

wget [url][/url]

sudo apt-key add DD800CD9.gpg
Now click the "Close" button on the Software Sources window and you will be asked if you want to reload the information about available software, so click the "Reload" button and wait for the window to disappear.

Copy/Paste the following lines in the terminal window:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y upgrade


sudo apt-get -y install compiz compiz-gtk compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig-backend-gconf

Now, if everything was correctly installed and you didn't encounter errors, press ALT+F2 and type:

compiz --replace

That's it! Enjoy the latest 3D eye candy effects on your Ubuntu OS.:hap2:

Some quick tricks:
  • Hold CTRL + ALT keys and with the left mouse button rotate the cube
  • Super + E activates the Expo plugin
  • Hold Super + Shift and with your mouse paint fire on your desktop
  • Super + Shift + C will erase the fire paint
  • Super + Tab activates the Ring Switcher plugin

Where Super refers to WIndows Key.... :)

For more short cuts you can find that in Compiz Fusion Manager..:ohyeah:
Here are some screenshots of Fusion Projects..

I am unable to get the 3D cube with Compiz Fusion. That's bcoz there's some problem with my OpenGL driver installation.

Even the 3D games stopped working.

Then i built the latest version of OpenGL i.e. 7.0. The games started working but 3D cube is still not working.
A small How to for installing a dock : Follow the steps and u will install Kiba Dock

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines to the end of the file:
deb [url][/url] feisty eyecandy
deb-src [url][/url] feisty eyecandy

Save and exit.Run from terminal window:
wget [url][/url] -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kiba-dock kiba-dock-dev kiba-plugins

Configure and launch kiba dock from the applications menu. :clap:

If this process fails then install the dock Using Synaptic manager.. Just Search Kiba in Manager and Right click it and Select Mark for Installation.. Click Apply and u are done :hap2:

Hope its done now :)

Peas Ds
There are few thing still left :)

1.How to change splash screen that appear after password .... To do install any of the application mentioned below :)

Install is not present by default :-

sudo apt-get install gnome-splashscreen-manager

Run (Through Alt+F2 or Terminal):


Above will install Splash Screen Manager...

One of th easiest of em.. Is Splash Screen which I am using currently :--

sudo apt-get install gnome-art

To use it after installing you will find the application under System -> Administration.

Click Install, choose the image file (PNG or JPG) and it must appear in the window thus. Click Activate, re-login to see it in effect.

Now you need to change the background of Ur Splash Screen to match the image... To do this go to System Then point towards Administration and Open Log In Windows.. Under Local Tab u'll find Color option change it accc to ur Splash screen....

Splash Screen :-

Note: Splash Screen are different from Boot Screen so make sure u download splash screen which looks like Rectangular Image .. For Example..Here is my current Splash Screen :D


Peas Ds
Lol, i have no use of this splash screen thing bcoz my pc is too fast and splash screen is displayed for only 1-2 seconds.
Dark Star said:
^^ use KDE in Ubuntu rather than installing Kbuntu :P .. KDE is too good just saw Suse 10.2 wiith KDE in my frnds lappy :D

I know dude. I had installed OpenSuse 10.2 with KDE as soon as i got my new PC and that was before i installed Ubuntu 7.04.

The KDE start menu in OpenSuse 10.2 has been tweaked to insane levels. It's too good.
just do

sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
if you are dying for kubuntu/kde stuff.

I'm a GNOME fanboy but guess each to his own :)
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thanks for the command Shirish! I'll try it. BTW how much is the download size? Can i use GNOME/KDE together on Ubuntu 7.04?
The download size is around 700 MB. After extraction it should take around 1 to 1.5 GB. You can have as many of the distros. as you want not just ubuntu/kubuntu but also xubuntu, fluxbuntu (this will be tricky & explained in couple of days), edubuntu all the same. Just the names need to be changed and all will reside with each other. If you do come up with any issues there is always apport (bug-reporter). I haven't come across any glaring issues as such but then I don't have powerful graphic cards (hence don't use beryl, compiz) not to say they are buggy or have issues but again depends on what graphic hardware, drivers you use & they still are not as mature as some of the window managers (like GNOME, KDE etc. ). I also don't use lot of the advanced functionality (due to a simple machine) so lots of complexity, what-ifs situations are not there.

Lastly I'm on bleeding edge 7.10 tribe 2 so lot of bug-fixes are done in the head also but then its always a moving target. If on the other hand I had access to a powerful machine/beast there are some lovely scenarios I have in mind :P
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