The Universe Within : An Unique Insight

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The Universe Within : An Out of this world experience!

May b the "SMART" ppls in TE already know,but for Noobs like me,may find this quite interesting!:)
Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida has put up a very
interesting page on their site. It begins as a view of the Milky Way Galaxy
viewed from a distance of 10 million light years and then Zooms in towards
Earth in powers of ten. 10 million, to one million, to 100,000 light years
and then it finally reaches a large Oak tree. If ever there was a witness
to creation, these folks have captured it for our viewing pleasure!

Once you click on the site, the software does all the work. Sit back and
imagine how perfect our universe is! You can play it forward
and backward to be amazed over and over. At the end it says
on that and review the process in reverse!

Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - Secret Worlds: The Universe Within - Interactive Java Tutorial
sum1 should really c this//click the link

really fantastic,untill u c, u will regret! that simple!!!

i 'm just 2 remind u...baad me mat bola nahi!
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