The wet shaving thread

So thanks to this thread i have decided to get into double edge safety razor shaving. Have already bought one.

Now i need suggestion for razor blades, I see feather blades recommended here a lot but unfortunately they seem very expensive to me. Is their any other cheaper brand that I could try?
Feather is aggressive. 7 o'clock etc aren't so much. So depends on your use.

And still feather is about 19 inr a blade, and each blade lasts 4-5 shaves. If that's expensive.... :/

Edit: Buying in bulk, feather is about 12 inr a blade. Cheaper than Coke.
Wet shaving is a kind of addiction mate, give these a try, worth the price.

7O'Clock Super Platinum - Premium Salon Box (100 Blades)
But if you are just getting started, try 7 o clock black 5 pack available in local shops, as you gain experience go for a 100 pack.

But if money is not a problem and you are in for long term, go for the one I suggested.
Thanks ur the link mate, but it has a 70Rs delivery charge and the seller is also not highly rated. Any where that I can buy it without the delivery charges?
Feather is aggressive. 7 o'clock etc aren't so much. So depends on your use.

And still feather is about 19 inr a blade, and each blade lasts 4-5 shaves. If that's expensive.... :/
Well I am a complete noob, so I am honestly not sure which one would be better for me. What would you suggest?
Also I did not know one blade lasts 4-5 shaves how much does the 7 o clock one last?
I have a very fast beard growth rate and in my current job I need to shave every alternate day at the very least, so was looking at a cost effective solution to blades (my main reason for switching from those gillette fusion blades which were turning out to be very expensive)

Also what's the best place to buy them in bulk like you mentioned?
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Thanks ur the link mate, but it has a 70Rs delivery charge and the seller is also not highly rated. Any where that I can buy it without the delivery charges? Well I am a complete noob, so I am honestly not sure which one would be better for me. What would you suggest?
Also I did not know one blade lasts 4-5 shaves how much does the 7 o clock one last?
I have a very fast beard growth rate and in my current job I need to shave every alternate day at the very least, so was looking at a cost effective solution to blades (my main reason for switching from those gillette fusion blades which were turning out to be very expensive)

Also what's the best place to buy them in bulk like you mentioned?
I've a fast beard growth as well, and I shave almost daily. Currently using a BSC razor with aggressive clamp and feather (aggressive) blades.
I can do about 4-5 shaves before the feeling of tug starts.
BSC sells the feather blades for about 400 for a 20 pack. There are other sellers on Amazon selling for cheaper prices, specially if you're buying in bulk (200 pieces etc).
Even at BSC price, its about 4 INR a shave. Can't get cheaper than that.
Another recommendation: Get a Trigodon brush. Expensive, but it's the best damn brush in the history of brushes. And I'm not exaggerating. Will vastly improve your shaving experience.
I've a fast beard growth as well, and I shave almost daily. Currently using a BSC razor with aggressive clamp and feather (aggressive) blades.
I can do about 4-5 shaves before the feeling of tug starts.
BSC sells the feather blades for about 400 for a 20 pack. There are other sellers on Amazon selling for cheaper prices, specially if you're buying in bulk (200 pieces etc).
Even at BSC price, its about 4 INR a shave. Can't get cheaper than that.
Another recommendation: Get a Trigodon brush. Expensive, but it's the best damn brush in the history of brushes. And I'm not exaggerating. Will vastly improve your shaving experience.
Thanks for the suggestion mate. The maths definitely works out and it does indeed is very cheap in buying in bulk. One more thing if I may ask. Would a aggressive blade like feather blade be fine even for people new to safety razor shaving like me. Would the chances of cutting myself be higher with such sharp blades?
Thanks for the suggestion mate. The maths definitely works out and it does indeed is very cheap in buying in bulk. One more thing if I may ask. Would a aggressive blade like feather blade be fine even for people new to safety razor shaving like me. Would the chances of cutting myself be higher with such sharp blades?
I did my first shave with feather blade and normal clamp. Didn't like it, so moved to aggressive plus aggressive combo and never looked back.
All depends on your beard and technique. Won't know without trying. Some nicks and cuts will def happen. Part of the game.
I use presto+good shaving cream. Here is what I do which barely anyone I know does. I let the cream stay on my face for 10+ minutes. Try that, your experience will be different.
7O'Clock Super Platinum - Premium Salon Box (100 Blades)
At Rs.5.50 (6.30 with shipping) a blade for Black platinums, this looks pretty good.

These also have a coating on the blade will last little longer than the green 7' clocks
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Thanks ur the link mate, but it has a 70Rs delivery charge and the seller is also not highly rated. Any where that I can buy it without the delivery charges? Well I am a complete noob, so I am honestly not sure which one would be better for me. What would you suggest?
Also I did not know one blade lasts 4-5 shaves how much does the 7 o clock one last?
I have a very fast beard growth rate and in my current job I need to shave every alternate day at the very least, so was looking at a cost effective solution to blades (my main reason for switching from those gillette fusion blades which were turning out to be very expensive)

Also what's the best place to buy them in bulk like you mentioned?
4 - 5 is average, depends on your prep. If your beard is wet then it shaves better than if it dry and tougher. You will learn how long it lasts when you find the blade dragging. At the prices these blades go for i don't think about blade prices.

I had posted a plastic gilette razor some pages back. Use that with the black platinums.

Gilette razors are mild. Designed for first timers who then become life long customers without even looking at anything else. That is if it works otherwise they will be checking other stuff out.

Does not matter how aggressive the blade is, the blade angle is mild. Aggressive on first use then not so much. Some people even 'cork their feathers' but i've not needed to do that.

When people tell me their beard grows fast i suspect the razor they use ain't shaving close enough. Maybe blade is not sharp enough. And that will happen with those multi-blades if you over use them. If feels like you had a shave but in reality you didn't shave very close at all. A multi pass at different angles single blade will always shave closer than a single pass multi-blade. No competition. You cannot try multi pass with multi blade that would be asking for trouble.

If you have to shave every alternate day then your beard growth isn't all that quick.

A 3-4 pass shave means i have a close shave but i'd need to shave every alternate day. If i didn't do an against the grain pass and just went with and across, i'd need to shave every day.

I suggest you get an alum block. Unfinished they can be had quite cheap but rough so with some sand paper you can smoothen rough parts. The reason to get this is to gauge your technique. If it stings after your shave when rubbing the alum on your skin then you either used to much pressure or went over the same area excessively. Course you could also do this with after shave but that is not good for the skin. After shave is like perfume, to be used sparingly not splashed all over your face.
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Another recommendation: Get a Trigodon brush. Expensive, but it's the best damn brush in the history of brushes. And I'm not exaggerating. Will vastly improve your shaving experience.
Is this the one ?

Can't hang that upside down unless you have some sort of stand. maybe make some sort of loop.
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I use presto+good shaving cream. Here is what I do which barely anyone I know does. I let the cream stay on my face for 10+ minutes. Try that, your experience will be different.
Is your beard dry when you put it on or wet. I've seen barbers doing this after they work up a lather. Just let you rest with that on your face for a few minutes

I usually shave after a shower so beard is all soaked and soft already
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I just used this scrubby glove and loved it. Give it a try. Great scrub. Goes where the flat ones can't. Felt like body massage/cleaning :)
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I don't have a beard. I apply the cream and foam it up, wait for 10 mins, foam it up again then shave. In winters I use hot water. Dramatically reduced cut/nicks for me. I also use Dettol.
Is your beard dry when you put it on or wet. I've seen barbers doing this after they work up a lather. Just let you rest with that on your face for a few minutes
I usually shave after a shower so beard is all soaked and soft already


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When i say beard it could be even a days growth. It seems you are applying this on unprepared beard. Unprepared means not been soaked for at least a few minutes.

You are face lathering with the glove in lieu of a brush. Or are you whipping it up in bowl and then using the glove to apply it. Not heard of this technique before.

The way the pros do it is to use a hot towel. Wet towel, wringed and in a micro wave for 2 min.

What's interesting is he says the preparation is the important bit. Hot towel, softening, lathering. Then you can get a good shave with any blade.
At Rs.5.50 (6.30 with shipping) a blade for Black platinums, this looks pretty good.

These also have a coating on the blade will last little longer than the green 7' clocks
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4 - 5 is average, depends on your prep. If your beard is wet then it shaves better than if it dry and tougher. You will learn how long it lasts when you find the blade dragging. At the prices these blades go for i don't think about blade prices.

I had posted a plastic gilette razor some pages back. Use that with the black platinums.

Gilette razors are mild. Designed for first timers who then become life long customers without even looking at anything else. That is if it works otherwise they will be checking other stuff out.

Does not matter how aggressive the blade is, the blade angle is mild. Aggressive on first use then not so much. Some people even 'cork their feathers' but i've not needed to do that.

When people tell me their beard grows fast i suspect the razor they use ain't shaving close enough. Maybe blade is not sharp enough. And that will happen with those multi-blades if you over use them. If feels like you had a shave but in reality you didn't shave very close at all. A multi pass at different angles single blade will always shave closer than a single pass multi-blade. No competition. You cannot try multi pass with multi blade that would be asking for trouble.

If you have to shave every alternate day then your beard growth isn't all that quick.

A 3-4 pass shave means i have a close shave but i'd need to shave every alternate day. If i didn't do an against the grain pass and just went with and across, i'd need to shave every day.

I suggest you get an alum block. Unfinished they can be had quite cheap but rough so with some sand paper you can smoothen rough parts. The reason to get this is to gauge your technique. If it stings after your shave when rubbing the alum on your skin then you either used to much pressure or went over the same area excessively. Course you could also do this with after shave but that is not good for the skin. After shave is like perfume, to be used sparingly not splashed all over your face.
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Is this the one ?

Can't hang that upside down unless you have some sort of stand. maybe make some sort of loop.
So following your tips I have started to wet shave every alternative day and I am slowly getting better with the technique.

An update that I want to share. I was till now using the supplied blades with my razor. They were the standard platinum coated sharp blades and I used to cut myself multiple times and also used to get razor burns. Today I used a local brand called super max stainless. The blade was very mild compared to the one I was using earlier so I had to do multiple strokes over the same area but I did not cut myself once today, no razor burns and the save itself was also much closer. I never thought changing razors can make so much of a difference but it did. This makes me question is Shap platinum coated blades are for me since I really enjoyed this blunt blades much more. This is in stark contrast to everyone here suggesting ultra sharp blades like the feather ones which I fear will cause me lots of cuts and razor burns.

I have being eyeing those black 7o clock that you recommend for some time now and was about to pull the trigger but using this local mild blade is making me slightly question if maybe sharper blades are for me or not.
So following your tips I have started to wet shave every alternative day and I am slowly getting better with the technique.

An update that I want to share. I was till now using the supplied blades with my razor. They were the standard platinum coated sharp blades and I used to cut myself multiple times and also used to get razor burns. Today I used a local brand called super max stainless. The blade was very mild compared to the one I was using earlier so I had to do multiple strokes over the same area but I did not cut myself once today, no razor burns and the save itself was also much closer. I never thought changing razors can make so much of a difference but it did. This makes me question is Shap platinum coated blades are for me since I really enjoyed this blunt blades much more. This is in stark contrast to everyone here suggesting ultra sharp blades like the feather ones which I fear will cause me lots of cuts and razor burns.

I have being eyeing those black 7o clock that you recommend for some time now and was about to pull the trigger but using this local mild blade is making me slightly question if maybe sharper blades are for me or not.
Try everything once. Keep what works for you. This has got to be the most personal area i've ever dealt with. Blades which work brilliantly on one person are a total fail on another.

Initially i thought your prep was inadequate but it seems you have changed the razor as well. Maybe its bent at milder angle than the previous razor you used. I noticed this with a gilette with a metal head that was selling a while ago. Too mild for my liking. And the gilette razors i use are mild to begin with already.

I find the stainless blades to be slightly less comfortable than the platinum coated ones which glide more smoothly. I don't think platinum are sharper, they tend to last longer a shave or two extra due to the coating and are smoother.
Try everything once. Keep what works for you. This has got to be the most personal area i've ever dealt with. Blades which work brilliantly on one person are a total fail on another.

Initially i thought your prep was inadequate but it seems you have changed the razor as well. Maybe its bent at milder angle than the previous razor you used. I noticed this with a gilette with a metal head that was selling a while ago. Too mild for my liking. And the gilette razors i use are mild to begin with already.

I find the stainless blades to be slightly less comfortable than the platinum coated ones which glide more smoothly. I don't think platinum are sharper, they tend to last longer a shave or two extra due to the coating and are smoother.
Thank you, I will try to find a samples packs of the other brands to try them out though that is honestly a bit difficult to find and on Amazon mostly it's bulk packages.

Also one more question if I may ask. What's the best technique to build a good lather from shaving cream. I use a bowl to mix but I am getting the water content wrong, eith I put very less water that the lather is very thick and barely covers my face or rubs on my face or i add too much water that it becomes extremely watery foam that the blades hurt. How do i find the right amount of water to add?
Thank you, I will try to find a samples packs of the other brands to try them out though that is honestly a bit difficult to find and on Amazon mostly it's bulk packages.
No kirana shops around where you are ? the bigger stores only want to stock expensive multi-blades.

Also one more question if I may ask. What's the best technique to build a good lather from shaving cream. I use a bowl to mix but I am getting the water content wrong, eith I put very less water that the lather is very thick and barely covers my face or rubs on my face or i add too much water that it becomes extremely watery foam that the blades hurt. How do i find the right amount of water to add?
Take it you are using a tube instead of a puck ?

Wet the brush then shake it. Way i do it is shake it like i'm throwing a dart into the sink. The brush has enough water at this point and isn't dripping wet.

Type of shaving brush you use matters. I have an edwin jaager boar hair brush that lathers in half the time because hair holds water better than synthetic bristles. If the bristles are synthetic depends how thin they are. But generally you will be doing more work with synthetic. Prices for better hair can rise fast. Rooney brushes are near the hundred dollar mark and beyond. For better grades of badger hair. Better means more water retention and lathers even better and faster.

Start whipping it up. If its not lathering enough I just wet my fingers and shake my hand into the bowl. So a few drops at a time.

Start whipping up again. Some creams can be difficult to lather. So you have to work on them more.

Axe is lousy, Godrej creams are the best.
No kirana shops around where you are ? the bigger stores only want to stock expensive multi-blades.

Take it you are using a tube instead of a puck ?

Wet the brush then shake it. Way i do it is shake it like i'm throwing a dart into the sink. The brush has enough water at this point and isn't dripping wet.

Type of shaving brush you use matters. I have an edwin jaager boar hair brush that lathers in half the time because hair holds water better than synthetic bristles. If the bristles are synthetic depends how thin they are. But generally you will be doing more work with synthetic. Prices for better hair can rise fast. Rooney brushes are near the hundred dollar mark and beyond. For better grades of badger hair. Better means more water retention and lathers even better and faster.

Start whipping it up. If its not lathering enough I just wet my fingers and shake my hand into the bowl. So a few drops at a time.

Start whipping up again. Some creams can be difficult to lather. So you have to work on them more.

Axe is lousy, Godrej creams are the best.

Unfortunately I live in a place which does not have any kirana stores, even the supermax one I got from a medical store which found it after a lot of searching. I asked in d mart and places no one has safety razor blades. And I don't think we have a concept of a sample pack of multiple brands here for us to try. Will keep asking around stores to see if I get any.

Also that was a very detailed explanation of how to properly lather up the cream, thank you so much for it. I use a badger hair brush which retains quite a lot of water if I don't rince it, hence getting the water amount wrong. You have been amazing help, thank you so much. Also any other brands apart from Godrej that are good?
Unfortunately I live in a place which does not have any kirana stores, even the supermax one I got from a medical store which found it after a lot of searching. I asked in d mart and places no one has safety razor blades. And I don't think we have a concept of a sample pack of multiple brands here for us to try. Will keep asking around stores to see if I get any.
Any market where they sell vegetables & fruit. These will be outdoors, traditional and no air condition. There is no sample pack there, you can pick up a pack of 5 blades. 90% of the country still shaves this way.

Also that was a very detailed explanation of how to properly lather up the cream, thank you so much for it. I use a badger hair brush which retains quite a lot of water if I don't rince it, hence getting the water amount wrong. You have been amazing help, thank you so much. Also any other brands apart from Godrej that are good?
Maybe you mean wring ? you want to rinse it and shake off excess water.

Local ones ? there is dettol

Remember this one has shea butter in it

The biotique one was quite good too. I got a 350gm tub years ago that lasted for ages. Does not seem available any longer. Years ago biotique was one of the few local companies making any shaving products. These days you are spoilt for choice. So many companies making stuff in just the last couple of years.

Tabac lathers well

Tallow as in animal fat soaps generally lather well. Ones we get are palm oil which does the job just not as rich.
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