The "What is the name of that song" thread?

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Figured we could use one of these threads.

I'll start with a song that's been playing recently at the gym. Nobody knows the name of the song except that the ID3 tag says "E-Pop". It's a very "fun" track and if I'm not mistaken, I think it's in Spanish.

As you can imagine, Google doesn't know what I am talking about and I'm quite sure Shazam can't figure this one out as well.

Any clues?

Muchos Gracias ;)
I think the thread is a good idea. There a lot of tracks which we hear randomly and can't figure out who the artist is. So this thread could really serve it's purpose.
thirumalkumaran said:
ha ha ha...

Sorry to laugh, but slowly the thread would go like this

That's exactly what I was thinking. For the sake of everyone's sanity, please don't guys :P
arrow004 said:
Always carry shazam and soundhound in your pocket !
The irony with those is when you are playing songs on your cellphone's radio. Then you couldnt use Shazam as the radio mutes when shazam is active.
kippu said:
satan so we are supposed to search for this e-pop using a id3 tag and give you the name?
Well I've already done the searching and as you can imagine, a title that vaugue rarely has a chance of popping up on search results. Wondering if anyone has heard a track that meets my observations above.
THis thread would help only if people post sound clips for others to identify..

@OP: Go to the gym tomorrow and record a small portion of the song and then post it here. I'm sure you'll get a better response then.
That sounds like a druggie trying a karaoke.

Honestly, the best idea I can suggest to you is go and ask the gym management which song was playing. Problem Solved.

The recording is really bad. It's a very cool song.

About asking the folks at the gym... do you really think I didn't think of that? Starting a thread, getting a recording, posting it online... on what planet is that easier than just asking the people that have the track :P

I would have just gotten it off the CD, but it's scratched like someone drove a cement mixer on it.

Thanks for trying though. I appreciate it.

You guys crack me up. It's Spanish. Shazam was clueless. Forget that, my Mexican friend was even more clueless!
^ Even though the cd is scratched if the player can play it then your cd drive should be able to read it.Just copy that particular song and upload it.I am assuming its a mp3 cd :P

It's so bad the song cuts out in so many places. It definitely wouldn't read any better on my drive. I'm surprised that thing even plays. Believe me, it looks like somebody wiped their behind with it and then ran it under the cement truck :P
Just "get" all the songs of daddy yankee and other famous artists of "that" genre.Do a youtube search and you will find the artists names. I am pretty sure you will find your song in there.

PS:Try to copy the song.It might copy or not.Even if the cd is scratched as long as the part where the song is present is decent enough you should be able to read the file.Put the cd in your system, play the song and record using the windows sound recorder.Atleast you will get a decent sounding clip which you can post around the net to find the artists name.
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