TheITDepot Woes.. Any Advice Appreciated

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On the 20th of May, 2006, I ordered an XFX 6200 256MB for my cousins from Itdepot and paid by credit card. It cost Rs. 4019 shipped.

There was no sign of anything for over a week, and after many calls, I finally got the information that their stocks had not yet arrived and thus the delay.

I received no futher intimation and I was the only one following up.

Finally the card was shipped on the 12th of June, to my cousins house.

My cousin saw an XFX box and signed on the courier slip.

When I went there to intstall the card for them, to my BIGGEST SURPRISE, the original box had an old Cirrus Logic 2MB PCI card in it.. oh.. with the drivers, cables and all.

I immediately called up the customer service and told them about it.

The guys arranged for a pickup immediately and said they will look into the matter.

I have been speaking with a few guys Satish, Alex and lately Vinod from their customer service department constantly. They mostly dont answer their phones. When they do, they say they'll call me back or email me, but never do.

Its been 2 months now and even after my countless calls and I have not yet recieved the proper card, nor any notification of what the status is.

I'm really frustrated and angry with my self for being so lazy as to not go to Lamington road to get it myself.

Anyway, that aside, what the hell do I do now ??

Please guys help. I'm really frustrated and fed up with the matter. These guys even suggested that there is some kinda foul play at my end.. If i really wanted to con them I would with a X1900XT or a 7900GT for Gods sake.
Sheesh this is horrid. You better file a complaint in the consumer redressal forum. One of the ppl from chennai should help you out. This is real bad PR for itdepot.

Edit: On a personal front, i've never had any issues with itdepot. their service has always been top class.
PCI 2mb card in an XFX Box...thats strange...could it be the courier guys...

dont know how u r gng to prove this but u def hv to file a case...try few more times and then threaten action...speak to the top guy there n then make a complaint in the consumer forum if all that doesnt work... ....hey sm1 here knws some top people at IT epot....hope they help u...

You waited all this while b4 deciding to post?
Yeah man, I waited coz I didnt want unnecessary bad publicity for them. thought it would get solved soon. but now I'm frustrated.

You guys talking about the itdepot consumer forum ??

By the way, any idea how to place a complaint in a consumer court ??
^^ Not about ITDepot Consumer Forum but Consumer Forum which is run by govt. Best thing is get a final word from ITDepot, and then get a lawyer to write a notice and dispatch it to them.

But confirm every detail and email records and invoice and all. Also take a few pics of the box and card and stuff.
Some members know IT dept guys...I hope they help him...this is sick..:S

Iam talking abt the consumer forum run by Govt ofcourse...

Just wait...someone related to ITDpot is on this forum....hope they clear things...

can the mods confirm.
I placed a query on their support forums Delivery Of Product..

Lets see what reply I get.

Wonder why none of the other senior members have any advice. As Kratos would have said.. "The Mods have abandoned me" !! :(
Was the box sealed when it came? It might be a mix up on the part of ITDepot. But what the heck, this is too much.

I am myself facing a problem with IndMall. A week back I ordered a Genius Ergo 525 Mouse and a Sony memory stick and paid by credit card. 3 days after order, no response from thier side nor was the amount deducted fromt he card. After opening a cc ticket, they finally told me that due to some technical problem they could not process the order and it stands cancelled and that I have to place the order again. Placed the order again on friday. still no response or the amount cut from the credit card. sent a mail to them again.
No Reply Yet :(

None from the mods too.. maybe its coz of the itdepot ads I've seen around here. No ItDepot Bashing from TE i assume.
^ Mate, what do you expect the Mods to do? Waiting for responses from mods when they are in no way connected with the related matter is rather silly, right? :S You asked for advice, and a couple of the Senior members did reply. There's no such thing as "no IT depot bashing allowed", else what stopped the Mods from deleting your thread too? ;)

A few members like myself do know the IT Depot guys since we're in Chennai as well, but we missed this thread and hence did not reply.

P.s: We carry IT Depot ads on our site - Yes , but nowhere do we advertise that we handle their customer care as well. The prime purpose of IT Depot setting up their own forums was to receive feedback from their customers directly rather than hear about it through other forums. Hope you get the point :)
Crazy_Eddy said:
^ Mate, what do you expect the Mods to do? Waiting for responses from mods when they are in no way connected with the related matter is rather silly, right? :S You asked for advice, and a couple of the Senior members did reply. There's no such thing as "no IT depot bashing allowed", else what stopped the Mods from deleting your thread too? ;)

A few members like myself do know the IT Depot guys since we're in Chennai as well, but we missed this thread and hence did not reply.
P.s: We carry IT Depot ads on our site - Yes , but nowhere do we advertise that we handle their customer care as well. The prime purpose of IT Depot setting up their own forums was to receive feedback from their customers directly rather than hear about it through other forums. Hope you get the point :)

Dude, you've totally missed the point.. And rather that actually telling me what to do, you go on stating how silly I am. FYI, if you had read my post, you'd realise that I've not approached the TE mods as the customer service of ITDepot. I have not directly asked the mods where the hell the product i've paid for is. I have not suggested that the mods should reply, merely acted upon something suggested
vij said:
Some members know IT dept guys...I Just wait...someone related to ITDpot is on this forum....hope they clear things...
can the mods confirm.
Considering you guys a few guys from there and how they work, i was hoping for some kinda suggestions on the best way to go forward. I know I can approach the consumer court, but hell, that will be too time consuming and a waste of time.
Look at the way others approach their ITDepot problems, I remember a thread from techboy sometime ago. I have chosen to try and get my stuff solved by myself first, and after two months of frustration I have approached the forum.. which I believe is meant for helping others.
I am happy at least a few members have replied and showed some solidarity.
About none of the mods noticing the thread, I have been tracking it and have noticed a few names in bold in the "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread" section. Dont want to get into that.

Anyway, dude, I have no hard feelings, just a little saddenned by your attitude. Hope I do get my point across. You guys can close this thread if you wish.
And as Cobain finished off "Peace, Love, Empathy".
i fully understand your predicament elendil but unable to help.

I hope soomeone helps u...

someone placing a big order with IT Depot may enquire abt this order that they messed...maybe that will embarass them n get them to act...

crazy eddy has gone crazy...seems like a bad day for him...
Dude, you've totally missed the point.. And rather that actually telling me what to do, you go on stating how silly I am. FYI, if you had read my post, you'd realise that I've not approached the TE mods as the customer service of ITDepot.

Of course you have!! then why have you been posting this ??
None from the mods too.. maybe its coz of the itdepot ads I've seen around here. No ItDepot Bashing from TE i assume.
elendil said:
As Kratos would have said.. "The Mods have abandoned me" !!

It is very obvious than you expected TE mods to help you out..... and Eddy said that he cant. TE does not have any special relation with itdepot.

The most anyone can do here is to give you advice.... thats it.

Dont blame Eddy.... I feel bad for you Elendil...but you cant take out your frustrations on Eddy
whoa.. let this be.. dont want this getting ugly..

I apologise to the mods, crazy_eddy and Nikhil for hurting their sentiments.. as this thread is leading nowhere, I suggest anyone not having anything constructive to say to hold back from posting.

IT Depot has paid ads running on TechEnclave. TechEnclave does not have anything to do with theitdepot other than this.

Furthermore whenever you click on any ad on TE and then go on to purchase anything from that site, you do so at your own risk. TechEnclave and its staff are not responsible for any bad deals or transactions that you might face.

You are requested to review the privacy policy in future.

Just wanted to clarify the official position.
LOL.. this is totally deviating from the topic. Mods, please do me a favour and delete that posts where I have mentioned you guys and your connection with itdepot. I do not believe it has turned to this. I just wanted some help. Dont want to hurt any sentiments.

On a more serious side this is the reply I have received.

As per the store terms once the delivery is accepted then it is considered the customer has accepted the product in good condition, the issue on your product was confirmed after a time delay it was not informed to us the same.

Under this situation it becomes very difficult to trace where things would have gone wrong.

In this case the management has taken it up leagally as to find out where it would have gone wrong.

this is odd case, it has to happen by process request to wait till the process is compleate.

We put in all efforts to resolve problems but this issue too very complex to be immediatly addressed

it needs to go by leagal procedures.

Thanks & regards, Customer Service team

The Hardware People

Spoke to Vinod at length .. He's assured that the issue will be resolved.

Thanks guys.

Sorry for the mini controversy.
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