There's something about Vidya..- do u also feel da same ?

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Analog Vibes
was gettin bored all day when TE was closed for some maintenance and this is what i my gals gonna kill me for this..if she ever comes to knw

there are so many beauties in this world ...from angelina jolie ,nicole kidman ,etc etc to our indian ash ,kareena ,preity etc ......but i feel like there's something different about vidya balan..ididnt knw abt this angel like gal when i saw Parineeta comin up...but she took my heart away when i saw her in lagey raho i was fultoo fida..over her..:rofl::rofl:;)

more i see her more i go crazy..for her..i dnt knw why but her smile and her eyes ..really make me come on my knees ...i truely feel tht she is not the kinda gal a guy or man would lust for..but a gal every man would like to fall in love with..bring her home and keep her 4 ever...close to da heart.

so if u ppl also think tht this sensuous beauty has somethin in her eyes...and u too have fallen for her like me..then i ve got some some 65 wallpapers and pics of her. which i wud love to share with u all...

i dnt have time to upload each and every pic of her so i am just..uploading a zip file containing all the pics...

a few of them -

if u ppl like this pics..and want some more do tell me..when i get time i will upload the 65 wallpapers zipped i ve got to go to class..will be back at nite

se ya post u r :clap::clap: i knw many are not gonna like this...but dnt knw why couldnt stop myself..
o man dude chill... it's your puberty talkin... shes got the girl next door looks and thats wats appealing to u here...
lol..i knw.....i just wanted to many guys already fallen 4 her ...and in order to do so..i typed everythin tht came into my mind.

and by the way i dnt need an upgrade..cauz i am pretty much happy with my first and only gal...

i just wanna say tht vidya looks sensuous !! any way let the replies...will upload the 65 pics later if da need arise..till then hold on..

me leavin now..really gettin late..see u later.guys..
i liked vidya balan in song pal pal har pal.. and when she screamed goooood mooooooooorniiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg muuuuuumbaaaaaaaaaaaaaai! she is 9.5/10 for me
iosoft said:
might be OT:
I like her - but don't know her name.

o man these are like random chicks.... u cud find them walkin down the road and not look twice... u need to get out more... actually dicussing them in a forum... o dude...
super saiyan haha wats up with ur sig.... u really wanna make a point dont ya... lol
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