There's something about Vidya..- do u also feel da same ?

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TechHead said:
^LOL..[ot] Mr Patel was a senior at school.. [/ot].. was a dumb bass even then..

Hmm which Mr patel,,

@faheem lol, yeah as everyone says get out more often. Lol you will find loads of these in coll too
Okie guyz ...... dat video iz a Fake ..... da guy is definately Ashmit but d gal is not Riya ..... Riya can never do such a Thing :|
@ udit ..did u like ?u looked see all the 65 pics..:bleh:


and to others...most of da time i am outta my house whenever i am not at TE..but never seen a gal like not even my collg which is full of beauties but most of these look like plastic beauties or dolls to me..(other than my gal and few others.)..yeah it's also a matter of personal choice..tht's true.:ohyeah:

s for me..atleast she is not a random chick..:P dnt knw..what others think..

also please guys ..if u like vidya go ahead and discuss..abt her..but try not to bring..other shush (she is also good), riya (dnt like her much)into this thread :tongue:


my pubic hormones were on an overdrive..from a long time :rofl::rofl::rofl:

...anywayz..i think i am thinkin abt vidya too much.:rofl:.i even told my gal,in class , tht i posted vidya's pic..on a tech forum. and she was like.. "ha ha! .ohh really ..i too like her looks and decency by the way.".

all this attraction twrds vidya increased after her pic on the cover of a supplementary mag called BRUNCH given out with Hindustan Times.

anywayz..she is just like some dream me ..

anywayz i must not be thinkin too much..when i already have my love with me all da time..:D
^^^ Me me me :P now she is too old hehe , used to like her films like sleepless in seattle, u have got a mail.
Aces170 said:
Hmm which Mr patel,,
@faheem lol, yeah as everyone says get out more often. Lol you will find loads of these in coll too
Ashmit. I shifted outta Mary's in the 7th to Cathedral.. how do you think I know Shaunak and Dhrumil so well ;)
Ashmit. I shifted outta Mary's in the 7th to Cathedral.. how do you think I know Shaunak and Dhrumil so well

Lol I was wondering, I thought Ashmit was in Mary's hehe. So you a Cathedralite too ;)
looks like the thread just doesnt beling to my topic...

please guys..if possible .it's my request keep ot or say other gals..u like outta this please ?

and by the way tht 50 most b'ful women list is very old. 2001 if i am rite.
Bluffmaster said:
^ And dat sucks too .... some of the galz r just plain Yuck.....:|

yeah true...anywayz..if the 2006 list was to be made i am sure vidya will surely be there..:bleh::bleh:she is really damn ..gorgeous.
Hmm Interesting thread I must say....

Well, wasnt this about the various wallpapers on offer by faheem_m?
I dont know how a person opening their shirt in a perticular manner is related or for that matter what sort of notions someone gets when some celebrity in question opens their mouth.

To each his own.

Kindly stick to the topic and discussion about certain aspects covered in this thread are not at all related to the thread. Besides that, they donot maintain the family viewing theme.

Thus, here is an official warning, please stick to the thread. I dont know what the intentions are of the people who participated in this thread and about how dedicated they are towards their feelings towards these certain celebrities. However, such topic about things which you would find on a celeb forum are not entertained here. If one likes a celebrity and the other doesnt, just too bad. No need digging up the personal lives of celebrities here please.
So in the end, all i would like to say is, stick on topic.
This thread is going to be cleaned by me and all the irrelevant posts I find here WILL BE DELETED.

Also, please stick to the topic henceforth.

Thank You.

PS: No offence to anyone in person, but well, certain people must learn to draw the line somewhere. Please think about your posts in this thread and see if they are really related or not.

PPS: I am sure you will find other places to discuss such issues as covered in some of the posts. Please head there to discuss the same when you feel the need. There are others there who will understand you and feel like you. Such discussions as to how a celebrity opens their shirt are not entertained here and we are sorry to say so but will not be entertained either in the future. Hope you understand.
what sort of notions someone gets when some celebrity in question opens their mouth.

sorry XT, think you got it wrong there.... :P

What was meant here was the fact that this particular celebriity is known as a blabbermouth with a propensity to put her own feet in her mouth (i.e. saying something extremely silly or stupid)

The idea thus being though she may be a great looker which many will find attractive, but most people will get put off by her intelllect (or rather the lack of it) when she gets talking :P
Sorry dude...But you got me wrong.
What is non-sense for one person may not necessarily be non-sense for the other.
You see just like one persons data is information for another.
So its personal opinion that counts.
And fact remains it was offtopic...irrespective of how it was interpreted.

Anyways...since this is still offtopic....i will delete the two posts in sometime.
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