They're at it again

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Shiv Sena has called a bandh in a lot of Maharashtra.

When will people learn to stop voting for those who are against our fundamental rights?

Forced bandhs are a violation of our constitutional rights to movement and to work. Also of the right to property, as most of the time there is property damage as well.
They r such big fools!!! got nothing better to do! :@
cudnt they show such enthusiasm in some constructive work like supporting the docs when they were on strike against quota??
hehe its politics, BMC elections are there next yr, and the sainiks are forced to be quiet the past few yrs...
tell me abt you!!!

are they sure that such a thing was done to bust of mr thackrey's wife ?? where was it shown on tv that it did actually happen..

or they just making up stuff .. so that they wanna let all of mah know that they are the ones in power and not the "terrorists" .. they aint less then them nah??

atleast the terrorist would give his own life to attain his objective.. but these buggers not only destroy property but also hamper the daily routine of the common man! is that justified??

THe HC has charged em with vandalising property a few years back.. to the tune fo 20lacs. i think tat wasnt enough.. so i think they should be charged 1cr.. but i guess that wont help cause it would be our own money!!!

and now they wont let the assembling get underway cause they want some peeople to be arrested!!! they do no development.. and then they talk big bulls***!!!!

if only there was a simple law - rioters would be shot dead.. on the spot!!! bah!! hitler where are you?? !!!
All those brainless f****rs want is some cheap publicity.....I don't know how they get votes after all this....As chic_magnet said...All rioters should be shot dead.....

As for the mud on the statue...for all we know it could be some puddle water that must have splashed when a vehicle passed by....

What sense does it make by burning down vehicles...? At times of need none of these mindless a##holes come forward to help.....The best way to describe them :

SELF_CENTERED_PRICKS who think they can get away with anything....

Just think of monetary losses they are causing.....

Aren't these the fools who keep shouting MEE MUMBAIKAR....Mumbaikar my a##....

And this is how they treat their very own mumbaikars....

All they are capable of is total lunacy...
Screw them.....they should ALL die.... And what is the need to destroy public property when you are on a bundh.... that is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in Indian mentality. Be it Mumbai or Bangalore.
But the most disturbing thing was even Raj thackeray supported this act............and comments frm manohar joshi........that reaction is justified..........its all politics........

i was on other side of the city when my pop gav the news....we came running down via train that too frm harbour line......where dadar doesnt come........atlest we were partly saved..........

the good stuff for me::::well i slept at 3am..woke at 7 am..attended one meeting then left for attending some spiritual function...was damn tired....i had to mov bak home and then had to reach dad he can have lunch....but becoz of the came home early...and even i reached..
posting after 4hours of wonderfull sleep.....but still on headache and on anacin treatment
yes agree wid all u guys.......instead of the stupid bandh's nd all....they'd have just cleaned the statue wid water or at the most milk or something.....even if it was done by he gonna be caught be the police??? these are publicity stunts nd they know well that doin dis will increase popularuty....those bloody A*****Es
the bloody idiots once said ki they want maharashtra only for the marathis .. as in they were tryin to put the point across ki the jobs shd be only meant for marathis ..

I say if the head is a Gunda himself .. there is no dearth of senseless ZOMBIES in India ..

Wot if all the marathis the world over are stuffed into Maharashtra ..?? the state wil sink and all the big names wil gladly shift to some other FRIENDLY state..

Shiv Sena , bajrang dal , hurriyat .. all are nothin but bullshit adamant abt ruining this country ..
the main stuff is......ard thackeray house...there r so much security......also wherever there statue are.......they have ard 10-15fools such act occured and how they went scot free............

i guess the ss is doin this stuff to fool ppl..........nuthin as such looks planned........3 ppl doin such stuff and goes out easily...BS....

also after incident.......they asking where is rane and all.........jus showoff how BS stuff they can do here.............

i think its waste of time to write abt this ppl...cutting off
Its all planned.....As stated above...One of the Sainiks themselves must have put the mud on the statue (if at all anything of that sort was done ).....Also y can't those idiots get it....If at all some1 had to throw mud to show their enmity against the Sainiks, they would have thrown it directly on Thakeray...Why would anyone want to insult a poor woman who is no more in this world..?

But Then its People Like u who Give them Votes and bring them to Power ! Actually I watching the Movie SARKAR Yesterday and in that Movie Bal Thakray ( Big B ) is Represented as Being a God to the Ordinary People ! Watever he does is for the peoples Right ! But In Reality it is just the complete opposite ! :| so I completely Fail to Understand , why do people Give Him Votes ? It is coz of the support of the People of maharashtra only that he has become so Powerfull and Fearless ! :|
People just misinterpret Big B's role to be like Bal Thackerays..... in fact it is nothing like it.

Bal thackeray has been a politician out and out....whereas Big B in the movie is NOT a politician
cmmon ss is lik this they will divide ppl upto there base.......first india -pakistan...then biharis-mahrastrians..or southie-mahrastrians......then go further mumbai type-vidharbh type(rane support)......then further on caste based.......mumbai muslims --mumbai hindus......then on area....type dadar(hindu strong hold)-masjid bunder(muslim dominated area)....

and the division goes where i stay.......heresomwhere ard thereexist building divisons too...1where ss candidate lives other building cong-ncp ones......and so they usually have a fight......

the whole thing lies in constituition...being a representative........there shd b mor restrictions on them.....rather than that......they mov in imported cars...whereas they hardly have jobs...........also they drive as if they r f1 champions....i have personal experince...........

since they r given powers..........and also any action require higher authority initiative........u know wht goes...........

constitution needs a revamp + ppl shd have a right to ask information frm mla.....
I say some people should go an put up Underwear on the damn Statue...
I wanna see what the dumbf***s at Shiv Sena do..

If they win next year, Im sure the votes must be rigged.

Can do anything about the asshole Shiv sena supporters though.. Its just a Lame excuse to get publicity. Even if its negative. Atleast were talking about it.. get it? :P
if mud went on the statue so much fiss.... what about crows and pegions daily shitting on the statue .. do the keep shooting all the birds :))
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