This cloned cow can give human - like milk !!

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An Argentine laboratory announced that it had created the world's first transgenic cow, using human genes that will allow the animal to produce the equivalent of mothers' milk.

"The cloned cow, named Rosita ISA, is the first bovine born in the world that incorporates human genes that contain the proteins present in human milk," Argentina's National Institute of Agrobusiness Technology said in a statement on Thursday.

Rosita ISA was born on April 6 by Ceasarian because she weighed more than 45 kilos (99 pounds), about twice the normal weight of Jersey cows, according to the statement. As an adult, "the cow will produce milk that is similar to humans," the statement said.

"Our goal was to raise the nutritional value of cows' milk by adding two human genes, the protein lactoferrin, which provides infants with anti-bacterial and anti-viral protection, and lysozyme, which is also an anti-bacterial agent," said researcher Adrian Mutto at a press conference. The cloning was a joint effort between the Argentine institute and the country's National University of San Martin.

Rosita ISA
bottle said:
Is that the one in your avatar?
on a lighter note if i was you, i would have checked the join date & ISA's Birthdate, not expected from a guy who is on TE since Jan 2005, no wonder the newbies are so arrogant already, no offense to people who just saw the mirror.

nice joke though.
^ that note comes across as pretty heavy to me, sorry if you don't like jokes about your cow
This indeed is a good news for gay couples who otherwise would be raising children without proper nourishment..

similarly, for orphans and abandoned babies.

in an ideal world, we would have a replacement for each and every Thing...
sajitsm said:
^milking much?me just punning much!
naah i stay miles away from milk..i have some sort of allergy i think. I cant digest milk in pure form properly. I like it only in contained form... :P
madnav said:
naah i stay miles away from milk..i have some sort of allergy i think. I cant digest milk in pure form properly. I like it only in contained form... :P

You might be lactose intolerant
boogeyman said:
You might be lactose intolerant
no it is just about pure milk.

actually the fragrance(or rather smell) of the milk makes me feel uncomfortable and funny in the stomach.

a bit of flavour and it doesnt really mind. but if there is even a hint of smell then im doomed.. one of the reasons why avoid having tea while being a guest at someone's place. i just cant bear it. :ashamed:

i do enjoy it in other derivatives.
madnav said:
no it is just about pure milk.

actually the fragrance(or rather smell) of the milk makes me feel uncomfortable and funny in the stomach.

a bit of flavour and it doesnt really mind. but if there is even a hint of smell then im doomed.. one of the reasons why avoid having tea while being a guest at someone's place. i just cant bear it. :ashamed:

i do enjoy it in other derivatives.
Ohh ok, then you're normal. I hate the milk smell too. Just reminds me of a disgusting tabela (cowshed). Though I can have tea at other people's places :P
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