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Sify gets insane at times ...........on my 48 kbps connection i get 50 kbps but generally get 10.5-12.5 knowing sify no1 can be sure what u get
Hey All...

O boy .... This has happened to me to tho I am usin a local 64Kbps cable net. The max rate is supposedly 8KB/s but at times I have got 8.43 KBs and 12Kbs at the start of download....But then it gradually gets to 5 or 6Kbs.....

I think its a glitch as one of u pointed out...The LAN .....

But the 20 mins strt is sumthing amazing.....Gotta know the tips...Neone ?


Hmm.. Maybe someone near you had recently downloaded it .. So the file was in cache of your ISP .. So it came so speedly ..
Hey Matez,

For me tht happens once in a while ...But one of my frend who uses the same ISP manages or at least he thinks he gets 10 - 15 KBs usin DAP....

Believe It !......Or Not !

As of now rite now i am downloading a File from 4 different users on the net using Ares and the download speed is Insane, it is more that my actual browsing speed. it is fluctuating between 370 to 450kbps......what the hell?.....anyway i am not complaining, if this goes on like this....wowowowowow.......
u ppl must be crazy to get 300+ kBps from net.....100 % u r downloading from a user on ur lan.....or ur cablewalla is a dear friend of urs :)

@hellscream damn :@ u beat my score in stick challenge...gonna get back at u soon :cool2:
archish said:
Well it happens yaar my friend who has got 64k Tataindicom connection gets 100kb/sec download speed and he pays 800 bucks a month. I saw with my own eyes

I know this post may be old, but archish, i'm gonna get that Tata connection now, and would like to know if your friend recommends it? and how often does he get abnormally high speeds?
Tataindicom is of my friends is using it and he says that it is Good.....ya can take it...

@NeXgeN......sorry just kept on playing.....was so bored i had nothing to
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@hellscreamer: I've waited 16 days for my connection, and guess what...they told me that my order had been cancelled for some unknown reason... so i've had to make a new order and may have to wait another 15 days......damn i'm pi$$ed off.......
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