This Only@ Pirates Bay

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super_saiyan said:
^ i am talking abt the swedens pirate bay...which other pirate bays' are there?? :huh:

Pirate bay is a torrent search site. Why would they need so many cd/dvd replicators.
Well if they can be involved in Internet Piracy , then can also be involved in the CD/DVD Piracy ! Its frm Pirate bay they download all the material and then make Pirated cds and sell them in the market !
Torrent sites, like Piratebay, Mininova, etc.. cant be shut down or anything, for the simple reason, that other people upload and share torrents on em :P.

This is just a pic, of a Pirate's Rig(s) :ohyeah:
Aditya said:
Torrent sites, like Piratebay, Mininova, etc.. cant be shut down or anything, for the simple reason, that other people upload and share torrents on em :P.

This is just a pic, of a Pirate's Rig(s) :ohyeah:
yeah yah, i simply couldnot comprehend ppls reaction abt pirate bay & the association of that UG portal with this: lol

If u c my post title carefully,i said pirates bay & never piratebay,which u
all got so confused. It surely is One of the many desi-pirates strong room!:D

everything seems so damm confusing nowdays!!!:P
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