Time taken for courier from Chandigarh to Mangalore

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I had ordered something on eBay and despite my pleas the seller(dvdstoredelhi) sent the item after 3 working days. The eBay bill shows that the item has been shipped on 3rd but i just got a mail and sms saying it has been dispatched on 5th and dtdc shows that the package was booked on 5th! So i was trying to guess the number of days a typical package takes to travel from Chandigarh to Mangalore through DTDC as i need the item to reach by Monday(10th).

It has been despatched on 5th from Chandigarh and reached Delhi on 6th. So as per my calculation it should reach Bangalore in one day's time and Mangalore in another additional day, making it reach here on Monday(11th).

What do you guys think?


blue dart is super fast in delivery, if its shipped on 5th then u might recieve it tommorow afternoon too, but delays due to fog or weather might have affected the delivery
Bangalore to Bangalore - Blue dart took 5 freaking days to deliver a small package to me. Reason given lack of man power. :@
if its dtdc then expect it on saturday or sunday or hope that it arrives on monday atleast, even dtdc air is pathetic man took 5 days for delhi mumbai express dtdc air :(
My best guess and going by past experience, you should get it latest by Monday.

A side note/rant:

Almost all the courier services in India suck. Extremely unpredictable, even if you pay more money for faster shipping........it is still slow and more often than not delayed.

Just pray that you get your shipment in one piece and with as little damage as possible.
yes very true, if u r a consignee u just pray that item reaches the buyer & does not get lost in transit, if a courier is lost its lost forever ;(
I have a really bad experience with DTDC. I sent some 20 or so envelopes/cheques and about 4-5 didn't reach and I wasn't informed nor did I ever get them back.


For the cities in question, it should take a maximum of 4-7 working days, maxed out, imo!

When I say 4-7 working days, I mean those many days from the time the thing is shipped.

So max 12th Jan in your case, but perhaps by 10th, which seems more likely to me.
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