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I've heard only complaints from this site, telling it takes months to get the stuff delivered... pay the original price n get it from somewhere else IMO
though I recommend not buying from them; but still if you do, than no matter what; pay only from credit card.

They have 15 days delivery. Their CC sits in calcutta and is busy most of the time(so you get charged a lot for waiting); irony is that they'll ask you to drop a mail to some raja for every thins (WTH CC is for than). Now this Raja does not repnd unless you mail CCAvenue or talk about chargeback(wiki it). So yeah prices are tempting and their are slim chances that you may get your item. But in case they do not ship it and are not responding for your mail; call your bank and ask for chargeback on the said transaction.
one of the worst online retailers. order only if you have oodle of patience to deal with unresponsive cc and long delivery times (mind you, though it's sill not guaranteed that

you will get the stuff you ordered even after coping with all this).
Guys stay away from TIMTARA if you don't want to loose your hard earned money...They Completely sucks and even refunds might take 3-4 months. Deliveries too takes 3-4months etc.. so judge accordingly... use GOOGLE.com to find reviews......

It's Your Call whether to waste money here or not..
You will land up paying and not receiving the product. Then the credit card statement will come asking for payment! Then the painful process of disputed transaction will start. Try only if you have a credit card from a good bank. For banks like SBI with pathetic service, you may have to forego the amount. For Galaxy note you may get it after two months when the market price is Rs 26K!!!
You will land up paying and not receiving the product. Then the credit card statement will come asking for payment! Then the painful process of disputed transaction will start. Try only if you have a credit card from a good bank. For banks like SBI with pathetic service, you may have to forego the amount. For Galaxy note you may get it after two months when the market price is Rs 26K!!!

Citibank is gr8; took 2 days flat to credit the amount. (they said "we'll get it later from vendor")
Citibank is gr8; took 2 days flat to credit the amount. (they said "we'll get it later from vendor")

What process did you use to get your money back? I too have a Citibank CC that I used to make a purchase from Koovs. B@%t@rds never shipped the item. Need my money back. :mad:
What process did you use to get your money back? I too have a Citibank CC that I used to make a purchase from Koovs. B@%t@rds never shipped the item. Need my money back. :mad:

Simply call citibank and ask the executive that you want to raise a dispute on specific transaction. Tell them you want to raise charge back against the vendor. They'll send you a form. Take a printout; fill it; sign it ; scan it; and send it back. Done ( I hope its not an old transaction though; I guess you have to raise dispute with in certain days of statement generation).
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