I am SO SICK of the idiotic media here. They don't seem to have any brain. The only purpose they seem to serve anymore is to give some comedy episodes on certain issues from time to time, such as this particular article from TOI:
When gamers hit it off with virtual women-India-The Times of India
Did the reporter fantasize that? Women in games have personality, just as decent as real women do. Sorry, no such thing as "fondling her anytime". Any woman can play a game just like a man, so there's no question of "destiny in the hands of a man". Piece of crap.
:rofl: :rofl:
The reporter things that "heartbreak", "rejection" and "humiliation" are the reasons why people turn to games? Sorry, whoever write this article is out there, and I mean WAY OUT THERE, out of this world..... = MAD.
:rofl: :rofl:
MMORPG with only six players? And HL, Max Payne, NFS are MMOs?
Oh yeah indeed. Sorry, Half-Life doesn't feature one major female character worth mentioning, and in HL2 Alyx is 100% clothed throughout the game. In NFS the clothing level remains the same, and in Max Payne everything is a very casual theme with an implied seriousness. This is an uninformed nonsense spewed out by the idiot reporter....
The same way you can make any male character naked if you are female for any game...................................
Somehow, the dialogue doesn't add up. I wager that this dude was PAID 1500 rupees to say what he did.....
Looks like the reporter has vendettas and fetishes rather than anyone else....
When gamers hit it off with virtual women-India-The Times of India
She doesn’t want flowers, she doesn’t talk about nature and romance, and she’ll let you fondle her anytime without asking, "Where is all this heading?" Obviously, she doesn’t exist. She’s part of a software universe, another character in a wild computer game whose destiny is entirely in the hands of a man
Did the reporter fantasize that? Women in games have personality, just as decent as real women do. Sorry, no such thing as "fondling her anytime". Any woman can play a game just like a man, so there's no question of "destiny in the hands of a man". Piece of crap.
Unable to face the realities of heartbreak, outright rejection and other humiliations of love, youngsters today are seeking refuge in addictive multi-user games, a whole parallel universe where life is boy-friendly.
:rofl: :rofl:
The reporter things that "heartbreak", "rejection" and "humiliation" are the reasons why people turn to games? Sorry, whoever write this article is out there, and I mean WAY OUT THERE, out of this world..... = MAD.
The games that Mayank plays include Max Payne, Thrones of Chaos, Need For Speed and Half Life. Most of these are Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs), which typically require at least six players
:rofl: :rofl:
MMORPG with only six players? And HL, Max Payne, NFS are MMOs?
In such games, there are usually girls who shed layers of clothing as the gamer progresses
Oh yeah indeed. Sorry, Half-Life doesn't feature one major female character worth mentioning, and in HL2 Alyx is 100% clothed throughout the game. In NFS the clothing level remains the same, and in Max Payne everything is a very casual theme with an implied seriousness. This is an uninformed nonsense spewed out by the idiot reporter....
There are also games where the player can denude characters and do more.
The same way you can make any male character naked if you are female for any game...................................
Subhash Banerjee, grimacing at being disturbed from the second level of Half Life that he was playing, says, "I liked this girl in my class but she refused when I asked her out. I tried a few times more but then gave up. And since I was already into gaming, I re-entered it with a vengeance." The 17-year-old is a hardcore gamer who has to play Lara Croft or Half Life for at least a couple of hours with his group. "Sometimes, I even steal money from my father’s wallet," he says. Almost half his pocket money of Rs 1,500 is blown up in gaming.
Somehow, the dialogue doesn't add up. I wager that this dude was PAID 1500 rupees to say what he did.....
His favourites are based on innocent characters like Barbie and Cinderella. Every fetish can be fulfilled while playing these games.
Looks like the reporter has vendettas and fetishes rather than anyone else....