Top Ten Video Game Weapons

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Faltu list made by total noobs.

Overrated Gravity Gun on top.
Halo energy blades, Doom chainsaw, Mario Kart cheese bombs, Metroid freeze gun... lol.

Not even a mention of the Topsy Turvy from Armed & Dangerous which is 'The Undisputed King' of all video game weapons ever conceived:
When fired, it flips the entire gameworld itself upside-down causing all the enemies to fall down - and then just as soon uprights the world once more causing them to fall yet again. Gold.

Also missing are the Shrink-ray and Freeze-ray guns from Duke3D, JK2 light sabres and the RTCW flamethrower.
overrated gravity gun!!! damn its my favourite gun of all time :P
2. Flamehower
3. The gun from fear which annihilates the enemy .. forgot the name :P
4. nail guns ..who doesnt like nailing the enemy :ohyeah:
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