Touch Diamond 2 or Hero?!? Very confused!

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Ok I am bored with my 5800 that I purchased from another TE member about 4-5 months ago. The interface sucks and the phone doesnt look good any more in front of the latest phones from htc, se and the likes.

Anyways I have decided to say goodbye to S60v5 and move to a new platform. I was looking for phones in the 25k-30k bracket and the TD2 and Hero have really caught my eye. I was definitely going for the TD2 due to the massive modding community but the Hero looks a little better IMO.

What I need to know is whether the Hero is really as slow as claimed in some of the reviews like Engadget, Gizmodo etc. Coz if it is laggy, I might as well start using my backup P1i.

Btw, what will have better resale value next year? I know HTC overall as a brand does not have strong resale compared to SE & Nokia but are people more interested in Android or WM? The only reason I'm asking is because some awesome phones are coming next year at MWC (like the new SE X10) so I don't wanna miss out on that.

Lastly, can I upgrade the Hero ROM to v2 whenever it comes out? I am assuming that TD2 can be upgraded to WM7 as well, right?

Please help me guys. I am gonna try and sell the 5800 before stupid Nokia drops its price even further. :(
Its the OS choice.

Both phones have almost same hardware other than the screen resolution which honestly does not become an issue on Hero.

I myself migrated from TD2 to Hero and I am happy with it.

The sluggish nature is now thing of past. HTC fixed it with firmware update. All phones currently shipping in India have updated firmware. So its snappy to use now.

And being android device means you have access to tons of free and paid apps / games through Android Market. And modding community is thriving and growing here as well.

Once you come to Android from WM6.5, its hard to imagine going back to WM in its current form.
Hey which one you got??

Even m stuck here deciding between diamond 2 and hero. Hero is 50 pounds costlier here
definetly go for hero

with increasing andriod community , apps , games etc..

and about after sales

i think hero wud fetch you more money coz of much hyped and developed (till then)

so go for HERO
nikeel said:
Too bad you didn't like S60v5. I love it!

Between WinMo & Android, its definitely got to be Android! :)

s60v5 is a good OS but not as customizable as winmo or Andriod
no offence meant , dont want to start a OS war here (mobile) :D
So i think I should go for the Hero and forget the Lag of Hero that people have been discussing. I should now look out for a deal for the black one

And if i Add iphone 3g to this list, will answers change?? As from official Apple website, we are getting it for 340 pounds and we can easily jailbreak it
Not okie wid it, but have no other option, want to go to android, as WonMo sucks and iPhone is way toooooo common and hero's sense UI definitely compete wid iPhone's
How about the HTC Tattoo ?

Slightly smaller screen, lower MP cam & Indian version is not 3G.

But is Android v1.6 as against v1.5 on Hero. And has no lip!

I know its a tough choice but do consider it.
Tatooo has resistive screen and its small, moreover its 250 pounds here , costlier than India, so not a choice
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