It is available locally for around 12k. But still a good deal for those not getting this price offline.
Maybe you should give it a day or two before you decide to give it away so that someone can avail a discount on something he needs.
Konquerror said:Spica for Rs 11975/-. Nice deal.
It is available locally for around 12k. But still a good deal for those not getting this price offline.
logistopath said:I have a 1000/- off any purchase above 2995/- coupon. Willing to share it with anyone who needs it. Coupon valid only till 31st May. Priority will be given to senior TE members. It is solely at my discretion as to who receives the coupon (if it all anyone needs, that is..)
Maybe you should give it a day or two before you decide to give it away so that someone can avail a discount on something he needs.