Travel & Photo Guide to Sarkhej Roza, near Ahmedabad.

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When I visited Sarkhej Roza the first time I saw the monuments like Tomb of Ganj Baksh & Jama Masjid. However later on I found out that there are many less well known structures around the site. On my second visit I visited these 'secondary' monuments - I liked them just as much as the main attractions. Many of these structures are originals i.e. not restored by the ASI.

The site is still being developed. So far I've added these :

- Prayer Chamber of Shaikh Ahmed Khattu ( Ganj Baksh)

- Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Ali Qazwini

- Tombs of Ghizhali Mash-hadi and Qasim Arsalan

- Tomb Of Noblemen (East)

- Tomb Of Noblemen (West)

Link : Travel & Photo Guide to Sarkhej Roza

Wiki : Sarkhej Roza

Looked at the pics. What a sorry state such buildings are in. That well is empty and full of garbage. We Indians just don't respect or have any discipline to maintain old heritage structures. All of us are fake patriots when it comes to patriotism. We love India but don't show it in our surroundings.
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Looked at the pics. What a sorry state such buildings are in. That well is empty and full of garbage. We Indians just don't respect or have any discipline to maintain old heritage structures. All of us are fake patriots when it comes to patriotism. We love India but don't show it in our surroundings.
Why should we take care of their stuff when they don't take of our historic stuff:
There is no theirs now. Everything is ours now after India was formed. It's their problem whether they want to take care of other religious heritage sites or not.
We should take care of what is left now don't you think? All those old structures have a lot of archaeological significance and tricks in them that modern buildings could make use of.
Example - that pink palace with those designed facade which keeps interiors cool in 40+ degree temps could be used by building designers to cool off modern day buildings so we don't use too much air conditioning. Instead we are aping the history less western builders who are putting up glass and mirror towers in a tropical climate. Madness.

Btw, the Bamiyan was bombed by the Taliban militants when they got power so can't really blame the better side of Afghanistan for not taking care of it. That country does not have stability nor money to take care of heritage buildings or anything for that matter. Just search for Afghan zoos and you'll see what I mean. All you get is images of skeleton animals.
Why should we take care of their stuff when they don't take of our historic stuff:

What @6pack is trying to say, I think, is that we should look after all the heritage sites in out country. When have you last been to one ? If you live in MH, say, Karla Caves. There is garbage strew about all along the way up. People have etched graffiti on the walls and carvings.

Take this place for example : Lakhi Vav . This is not "their stuff".

How many countries have even 10% of the heritage sites that we have ? MH alone has about 800 rock cut caves. Shouldn't we look after our heritage better ?

EDIT : You might want to have a look at this too :

Forgotten Vavs of Champaner
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