Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus + 2012 FREE Key for 1 year

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Go to:

Scroll down and click on 'Download Now'

You'll be taken to the order page. Fill up the details and they'll send you a main with your Serial. This can take upto 24 hours or more.

I had ordered on 31st Jan and I received the Order details today.

Once you get the Order mail, follow the link in the Order mail to download your copy and Serial.


P.S.: This was posted on DD. So, credit goes to the OP. I didn't post it earlier coz I wanted to be sure that it works before posting!
Had to try three times before invoice showed $0.

First two times it showed $50! Be careful guys. Don't click blindly!

But it works! Got my Dad an anti virus finally!

Got it...

TITANIUMâ„¢ AntiVirus+

  • Windows
  • Electronic Download


0.00 GBP


Still waiting for the mailer
^^ It can take upto 2 days. But it will come for sure...

#hari5sani: It is a good AV. Has a 4/5 Star Editor rating from cnet

#Neon-N Which version to download?? Can you provide me a link please... Its for my gf

#honest1 : You can also download it now, if you dont get it, I have kept one spare ....

#Neon-N Which version to download?? Can you provide me a link please... Its for my gf

^^ The link will be displayed once you enter your Order number and password in the respective fields after clicking on the link in the mailer. Both x64 and x86 versions are available.

BTW, I have not used my key nor do I plan to use it. I am pretty happy with Avast Free! I had only ordered it to check if it works so that I could post it here.

So, if anyone wants the key, please feel free to PM me. First come First served basis.
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