Triple fi or ie8 or anything else?

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I agree with everyone here. Don't jump straight to the high end unless you're getting a very good deal or you're certain of what kind of sound signature you like. You've got a big budget. Enough to get something like the Headstage Arrow 12HE, an amp which will still allow you to invest in a RE-0, RE-1 etc etc. Its good amp that won't need replacing anytime soon and will still serve you well when you decide to get higher end IEMs, that more often than not shine with an amp.

I've owned the IE7, wouldn't suggest getting it or the IE8 unless maybe its second hand and at a good price. IMO, not worth 11.3k and 16k.
Now I am even more confused.I was ready to shell out 18-19k,now having second thoughts.BTW what is the difference between re0 and re zero?
Metalspree said:
@esanthosh did you break your resolution ??
FaH33m said:
^ He was almost about to break it due to a RE-252 offer on head-fi . I stopped him :rofl:.

Yep! Looks like the "whole world" is against my resolution :ashamed:. I get various offers for sale of headphones, IEMs etc., May not be able to keep my resolution for long :(
With a budget like this I would say either get something cheap and VFM mid-fi (RE2/NE6) or directly buy something top of the line. If you buy a RE2/NE6 and don't like it you can still sell it off for a very small loss of 200-300 bucks. You invest in a 5-6k mid-fi IEM or a high end one like TF10 / IE8 and dont like it .. it will be dfficult finding buyers even after reducing 1-2k of the buying price. (unless your buying price itself was too good.:) I hope you get my point.

Something like NE/RE2 will determine your taste and make it easy for the future. If you still want to avoid it , tell us how you want it ..bass /midrange /treble..soundstage etc Neutral sound ? warm ? Guys here will be able to suggest some really awesome IEMs in 10-20k range :D.
Thanks faheem.I am not really sure about my requirements,because I never really had a good iem.Probably I want a very wide soundstage,tight bass (this is important,as I play bass in some local bands and would love to hear bass lines clearly,sometimes knowing chords does not really help),do not really know about mid range,at least it should not be over emphasized.I will try to avoid portable amps ,so trying to avoid those which have very high impedence.
@red dragon,

Then skip RE-0, RE-ZERO and all the analytical IEMs. Also IE8. TF10 may suit your requirements, I guess.

In the budget category, there's Hippo VB with it's clear sub-bass. But, I don't know if it'll fit your requirements. If you are after mid-bass, try something like a M2 (Don't know if it's in stock) or NE-6. That should give you an idea of what exactly to go for.

Where are you located? Any friends' IEMs that you can try?
Yeah, sounds like the TF10 will be a good choice. You won't need an amp either. But what you will have is recessed mids and its very noticeable.
I am in kolkata,and no one seems to know anything about earphones.I am a doctor and all my buddies are idiots when it comes to technology
^ Exactly why I think you should buy an IEM in the 4-6k range instead of jumping directly on a high end pair. Listen to a few IEMs to know what kind of sound signature you like.
I have talked to some ENT friends,but they are more interested in helping deaf people with their custom made hearing aids,and TBH they know nothing about music.Now back to the topic.Can I find a descent one in 5-6k range in shops?How about philips or panasonic?
5-6 range ? ummm .. Nothing that suits your requirements exactly. Maybe a S4 for ~3.7k but that isn't really high end . If you can wait for sometime , I might be able to offer you a new RE-252 for ~7k or cheaper. Mine is going for RMA.
^^Nope,my budget is still 10-20k.But as everyone is suggesting a midrange one at first (as I am a novice in this) I am bit apprehensive.But most important thing is, I am not getting any time at all for doing an extensive research these days.Does anyone know where can I find a TF10 in kolkata?The logitech brandstore in here is clueless and I am reluctant to deal with Amarbir.
Find a Logitech dealer in Calcutta and ask him to get it for you. I know someone here in Madras who was willing to do it for me but then the amazon deal came about. Also The M-Audio IE-40 is available locally and they're identical.
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