Triple fi or ie8 or anything else?

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@red dragon,

How do you like your bass?

Most bassy IEMs have bloated mid-bass. Even RE-0 amped has mid-bass hump. Some IEMs have clean, quality bass (Phonak PFE amped), but still lack the quantity. Then, there are sub-bass oriented IEMs like Hippo VB ($79, can be bought from TE dealer, Moshel for cheaper).

I'd say try a NE-6 first. If you like it, you may have a better idea of what you need.
^^I want to hear the bass lines as clearly as possible,but do not want a bloated sound.How is this IE8,is anyone here using `em?
^ IE8 ,NE6 all have kinda of a bloated / heavy bass. RE-252 can go really low on bass freqs. but isn't heavy ..Its subtle bass which kicks in when needed. TF10 also has an amazing bass response .TF10 looks like the one for you.
@red dragon

IE8 as far as I've read has a "dark" signature. It has a wide sound stage, but it's bass seems to creep into mids. It has plenty of bass quantity, but quality - I am not sure. It seems to lose some amount of bass quantity with a 100 hour burn-in.

But, all the "read" opinions must be taken with a pinch of salt. First off, your taste and the writer's taste may vary. What is "bloated" to me may appear "just correct" for you and "less" for another :)
Thanks a lot santosh,metalspree,faheem and rest of you guys.So it is TF10.Now I have to search for it in my city.What is it`s price anyway?Logitech website says >20k,lynx has it for 18k.
@Red Dragon. Frankly speaking , a TF10 isn't worth that much money .Its just on par with the other 200-250$ IEMs like RE-252, CK10,PFE112 etc in terms of detailing .Hell even a 79$ RE-0 is a competitor to the TF10 in terms of detailing. I wouldn't spend anything more than 14-15k on a TF10.That too is quiet a lot ;).

With a budget of 20k ,I would rather add some more Gs and go for a custom setup like TF10 6 driver customs or Unique Melody Mage. :)

Not to forget you are coming from a EP-630 , you really wont have any idea what mid-fi / cheaper VFM IEMs sound like . Maybe even a NE6/ M2 or a S4 would have made you really happy. I am saying this cause EP-630 aren't the best entry level IEMs out there.. Boomy bass ,mid bass hump etc.

Did you like the EP-630s bass ? Did you find it to be normal ? good quantity or wanted it to be more /less ?
+1 if you can find it for about $250 shipped, then they would be a good deal either direct or even through ICC world, KMD etc they'd work out to under 14k.

The 6 driver TF10 are 21K + your existing TF10 and the 4 driver mage is about 29k. So they're considerably above his budget.
I frankly won't pay more than $200 for TF10 (ex-shipping, customs etc.,).

I have not even tried TF10, so people are free to correct. TF10 has a V shaped frequency response, has plenty of bass, but has clarity and detailing. Bass won't intrude into mids; but recessed mids can be an issue. It also has bad fit for many. But, one good thing is it has detachable cable.

Comply foams seem to give it a good fit, but I won't ever recommend that. Complys usually soften the treble and you lose the details. May be for an IEM with in-your-face treble, it would be a great fit. However, I have a terrible disliking for their short life (2-4 weeks depending on your usage), high price and I don't think it's available locally.

The other mods - re-shelling TF10 (Mage etc.,) and a different cable could make a (huge) difference, but then you are looking at spending more $$$ in all cases.

So factor in everything in case you decide in favour of TF10.

Personally, I've always been tempted by TF10. But, I was never sure if it could be my only or primary IEM.

I'd stress the same thing again - the key to finding your IEM is to first find your preferred taste. Try a decent IEM like NE-6 or M2. See what more you want and then search in that direction. Things would become easier when you find a reviewer who feels the same way about the IEM like you do. Once you fix on an IEM, try to find all the negative things about it and see if you will have any issues with the so called "problems". Takes a bit of work - but it's always worth it.

EP-630 (not heard PL-11) is my first IEM. It still gives me a cool, good fit. But, it's like listening to half a song. How do you find the bass of EP-630? Enough quantity? May be we can even take it from there.
I do not really like the bass of ep 630.Actually I was using my father`s big old headphones (a big wooden one,bought from Germany,long back) at hostel,it sounds really great.But I cannot carry them to the hospital,so I bought the ep 630 and a friend of mine gave me a soundmagic pl something (I lost it last week).Both of them sound pathetic when I compare them with the wooden one I have.

P.S I am really thankful to you guys,you people are giving so much time over my stupid questions and confusion.
Heeyyyyyyyyyy, i wouldn't call the tf10's the most neutral iems in the world but their certainly not as bad as you guys are makin em sound.

You can't say that tf10's have plenty of bass and then ask hey, did you like the bass on your ep630's. Maybe you might like the tf10's

OP: if your gonna spend 20k, trust me go for customs. If your spending that much, you should get something for that price. And customs are truely worth it. Although i would advice you to get the TF10's for close to 200$ and then remold to customs if you still wanna upgrade.

Also OP i would like to tell you that when you entire the premium segment of iems, the difference between iems is not vertical but more horizontal. They all are good, you just need to know which 1 suits your taste. There wouldnt be any iem that would be truely bad in this segment but only iems which wouldn't appeal to or enhance your genre of music.

Like taste of music differs from individual to individual, so do taste of IEMs.
^ I have tried only 1 Bose in-ear .Was some expensive model and not even half as good as the other options available at same price. Personally wouldn't recommend Bose IEMs at all.
^ Not worth that much IMO but strictly in my opinion only . Also try and get prices for Monster Turbines ,IE8 and Earsonics SM3. Going by SM3 , it looks like the near to perfect IEM !
I also wouldn't spend anything more than @250 for the TF10.

If you want to jump into high end, I would suggest RE252 and SM3 look good too. If you can wait for a bit, the RE262 would be releasing soon.
^ Its not releasing very soon .Got a mail from Fang saying they are still working on it and it will take time. :)
SM3 is said to be close to a Westone house sound. Westones in general are monitors. Great for artists, but may or may not suit us, listeners. Besides, dfkt spent months getting adjusted to it. In general my experiences concur with his reviews. One thing to worry about SM3 would be the source. They will be very revealing. The sound stage would crumble and widen up transparent to the recording. The more I read about it, the more I am convinced that these are unique IEMs that requires a "brain burn-in", being armatures.

Personally, I'd rather not take a risk with SM3, especially since it looks to be another one of those FOTMs. I'd love it if I could get a personal impression rather than a Head-Fi review before taking the plunge ;)

With DBA-02, on the other hand, I might take a risk. Though Fischer does not exactly have a good reputation (Eternas sucked after all that hype on Head-fi) and oh! yeah! their build quality surely might suck. But, it's at a sweeter price point. Or a CK10, if it comes down a bit.

Of course, YMMV :)
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