Got myself a new LUMINOUS LT500 Tall Tubular Battery for
Rs. 6800/-
First dealer was not able to get me a newly manufactured battery & was adamant on the price + fixed buyback amount of 3k only... He tried very hard to convince me that there is no problem in battery kept in storage for such a long time... Apparantly he had never ever heard of SULPHATION & even HADI... Come to think of it I had bought my Microktek inverter from this guy in 2007 & after all this years he is still hopelessly ill-informed about such things.. can't blame him though..
I looked around & found another dealer who offered the battery for Rs. 10300/- minus scrap value of old battery @ Rs. 80/- per Kg.
The battery was manufactured in Apr 2014 so it was an added bonus..
Gave me Rs. 3500/- as buyback discount (after weighing in my old battery 43.5kg AMARON SHIELD 160Ah) & I paid
Rs. 6800/- for a brand new packed Tall Tubular Battery, granted its not a regular size tall tubular battery but slightly smaller than those regular tall batteries. Though I only need it for multiple outrages lasting only 15-20 mins & very few longer power outages (6-7 times a year)..... It fitted perfectly in my regular flat plate battery trolley from Microtek in which it would have been impossible to install the regular tall tubular battery.....
Thanks to #max_demon who helped me in making my decision by providing me with the approx battery height measurement & the battery float levels are actually ~5mm higher than the space available to me but the battery is placed in such a way that they are under the groove space of the top inverter tray.. ..
In the course of looking for the battery I was adamantly suggested other batteries by numerous dealers but what was more annoying was the way they tried to dupe me by misquoting price of the new battery along with ridiculous offers for buyback price.. One dealer offered me just 20-25 bucks per kg explaining to me that I've a black colour battery & not a white colour hence buyback price would be lower otherwise it would be 50 bucks for white batteries...
Others tried to push me old stored batteries blaming it on the company that they send only old batteries. They plainly refuse to help me get a newly manufactured battery from the company... One dealer even told me that Apr-May 2014 manufactured batteries would be available only by Diwali...
Best experience was the way company area sales rep handled the request by giving me the distributor's no. & the distributor was offering me the same battery for
9k nett including buyback for my old battery. On mentioning this to the sales rep he was adamant that I was getting an unbelievable price...
In the end looking around for a week, numerous phone calls to various dealers helped me get the best deal & a newly manufactured sealed packed battery..
I just hope the battery works like it should without giving me much trouble.. Thanks to other members for their valuable suggestions..