Monitors tv tuner for 22" widescreen lcd


hi every one i would like to buy a tv tuner for 22" wide sceen lcd
which one wouldbe good
anyoneusing them pls tell me about how it is
u can go for techcom LCD tv tuner
its made specifically for lcds..

Im using 1 with my 19" LCD
Its running abs fyn....gr8 output

It is very much suitable upto 24" LCDs

It costs arnd ~ 1.3k
I mean to say that normal tv tuner cards dont support such high resolutions....
I hv tried this out...They even do not support widescreen...

Tv Tuner cards for lcd r sold specifically for lcds wch r able 2 support its resolution..nd even WIDESCREEN....viewing..
Im having a widescreen monitor... nd am running the tv tuner card at a resolution of 75Hz...

These capabilities arent seen in a normal tv tuner card

LCD tv tuner is sold for ~1.3k
nd normal is sold for arnd .7k
is there any internal ones available for lcd monitors(widescreen)
and pls speify the brand name the cost and model number which i should go for
Rijo, you the type of monitor really doesnt matter if you are using an internal ( or external USB tuner) For them, the resolutions and scaling are taken care of by the computer's graphics. However , you can try using something like Dscaler to get better scaling .

I think that aditya was talking about are the stand alone tuners for monitors ( the ones which work without a PC )
No dude, not all internal tv tuner cards go 2 such type of widescreen resolutions

for eg.
This cant go above 750x480 ~ .7k

so u need 2 buy a tv tuner wch can support the resolution of a 22" widescreen
~ 1.3k
i was just trying 2 explain abt these cheap tv tuner cards...

if u can spend more money..
buy the pinnacle 1 it can adjust ur resolution automatically

but if ur budget is tight....then go for that 1.3k card...
its damn gud for a 22" widescreen
i was just trying 2 explain abt these cheap tv tuner cards...

if u can spend more money..
buy the pinnacle 1 it can adjust ur resolution automatically

but if ur budget is tight....then go for that 1.3k card...
its damn gud for a 22" widescreen...other cheap cards wont work..
Iv tried it out trust me
aditya_bha said:
No dude, not all internal tv tuner cards go 2 such type of widescreen resolutions

for eg.


This cant go above 750x480 ~ .7k

so u need 2 buy a tv tuner wch can support the resolution of a 22" widescreen



~ 1.3k

aditya , that was exactly what i was talking about. the second one. its an external tv tuner box ( the type which works without a PC ) . they connect directly to a monitor , and then, their output resolution needs to match the WS LCD's

BUT when the tuner is internal, the computer takes care of the resolution. the 720x576 mentioned is the actual resolution of the TV signal. the video output from that can be scaled to full screen by your pc, just like , say a vcd or a DVD. even in the external device , the signal will be 720x576 only :)
^^The link you have given only says "Supports upto 1680 :1050". Wtf does that mean? There are no TV signals with that resolution .

At the most, it will only scale to that res, which the PC graphics will do better. Most LCDs should also scale automatically.

Edit: Oops, I was responding to Aditya's post!
aditya_bha said:
i was just trying 2 explain abt these cheap tv tuner cards...

if u can spend more money..

buy the pinnacle 1 it can adjust ur resolution automatically

but if ur budget is tight....then go for that 1.3k card...

its damn gud for a 22" widescreen...other cheap cards wont work..

Iv tried it out trust me

i dont see a difference. both the pinnacle and the .7k tech com are based on a philips SAA 7130 chipset. both should be similar hardware wise. if the software app that comes with it cant do it , try a third party tv viewer. winamp's tv input plugin seems to be useful , but some configuration is required

A friend of mine has sucessfully used(and is still using ) intex and pixelview's regular internal cards with his 1930WM. I'm interested in what lead you to believe that these cards cant support widescreen monitors
Iv tried out that techcom internal tv tuner...

wat hpnd was -

I installed the drivers of the int tv tuner..nd restartd the pc
After restart my graphic card (8800GT) drivers got automatically removed...
nd the resoltion became to the default... seemed like arnd 800x600
I tries running the tv tuner...nd it was working..

But when i reinstalled the graphic drivers...the tv tuner didnt work...

This was the incompatibility I was talking about...

nd 1 more thing .... the internal tv tuner cant b stretched beyond 750x480...frm the application... so it was not able 2 support the 1440x900res ...
i was using the techcom int tv tuner...
nd im very much sure abt this prob..

abt ne other tv tuner card like intex nd all...i really dont know..
if they r the same or not..
hmm, i guess it has driver issues then. tv tuners are a bit tricky to get to work stably .

about the 720x480 thing- thats the SOURCE resolution , ie the resolution in which you get the PAL signal, even my pinnacle wont go above 720x576, but the PC will resample it to your monitor size when you switch to full screen ( you had a full screen mode right? ) . that's the output resolution