Two And a Half Men Scrapped ! (Damn it Sheen!?!!)

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money has made him eccentric...i have read in recent news paper most probably telegraph that he has been appointed with bodyguards to care of his behaviour...
Idiotiotic Sheen.I dont care if he does drugs or rots in the gutter as long as he doesn't bring his shit to the set or piss of the show execs.Dammit Sheen....get it together, man!!!
Am already missing the show :( Guys do you'll think they might "kill" Charlie's character and make Alan Harper the lead?
Stop behaving like an Amreekan already!

He should be back after the publicity stunt.

They got the job done. Think how excitedly u gonna sit in front of the tv with wide eyes and open mouth next season :D
^^ yup. Considering that Lorre's comedy hinges entirely on stereotypes(nerds, hippies, snobs, blondes, fat people, indians, jews etc) its fitting to use one as an excuse for cancelling his shitty show.
how canu compare this with BBT BBT is a revolution ive given it a 720p honor, 720p honor is honor made by me to tv shows which are exceptionally well (house,bbt,modern family) and many more
The late seasons of the show have been sucking so much!

And BBT is way better than this one. Way, way, better. Of course, in my opinion.

The show used to be something at a time, not entirely exceptional though.

Lately, it was more like 'Two lame men', with Jake hardly appearing on screen and stinking scripts for the episodes. Again, in my opinion. Lol. :P
Talking about charlie sheen, found this toon :D
Seriously,cant see how u can compare a show like THM wit hthe Over the top BBT..The show is so much repetitive and the audience it caters to is extremely limited.
^^ wat do u mean by audience it caters...just because the shows has stereotypical geeks doesnt mean that only geeks watch this show

about 13million people watch this show in the US alone

afaik i know tahm is more repetive ...with charlie getting laid in his bedroom..

and some farts tec etc (toilet humor) by young jake(currently watching s4) ..hahaha
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