Two Worlds II



Anyone playing this game???

I like RPG so even being suck in interface game has some ups like free world roaming, massive upgrades etc etc.

Suddenly now game gets in to freeze moments. Like when you interact with any object, or kill a thing or open a storage chest etc game freezes for like 30 seconds and then resumes. And yes those pauses arent autosaves either.

It is creating really nuisance in the whole experience. Already installed and reinstalled the game. Then check Nvidia drivers, switched of SLI and enabled it. Checked my DirectX , updated the game too.

Now strangest part is no where over google i found anyone else facing same issue so made me think its not game problem but my system problem. otherwise in some forum or somewhere would have come across something like that.

If anyone faced something similar in some game or can suggest solutions.

You don't have the legit version, the current release is only for a select few countries in this world(very very few countries in EU region).

I played demo till end of 1st chapter, yea it was okay, but seriously spend time on Divinity II DKS if you want to, Two Worlds II looks 2 gen behind it
all updates get installed and game screen also shows v 1.1 it had nice build up till what i played

so always want to give the game a good run thus thought if someone facing same thing.
nah, I was thinking of using crack etc etc but then I just didn't get attracted enuf into Two World's II, and about Divinity II DKS, well initial impressions were good, but soon the glitches and errs creeped in. Screen Blur has been over done, colors all look red(my monitor is fine) and the game has like 1000 page dialogues OMFG, I saw some texture work in CGI in-game which has like Quake era textures.

Dang, no good RPG for PC man, waiting Fable III launch
Tried its for some time ... runs smooth on my PC but didnt get engrossed in it ... I played Divinity2 but its impossible to make an archer in that game ... its not that great a game. Am very eagerly waiting for Diablo 3.
lol on earlier suggestion started Divinity 2 DKS ... but its getting sort of monotonous...

honestly last or year before's Witcher was decent surprise
The game is pretty interesting and waste your lots of time :p, once you get familiar with the game interface you start enjoying the game, only thing in Two Worlds II is the huge map and the quests :p