CPU/Mobo U-p-g-r-a-y-e-d-d

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planning to upgrade my comp.So buying a new one
budget 60k. A GFX card thinking about 4850, a quad core , a 22' dell-which one???
any good CROSSFIRE MB.A good PSU to power the cross fire for at least 4850
It will be multipurpose use.
so pleaseeeeeee help. whats the price of 260.:)
A 9450 if ur budget permits, if ur planning to overclock around 3.5ghz a 9300 would go the distance on a intel mobo (i could do this on my 780i too), I mean 470fsb is what most quads can do right now. For crossfire I would suggest getting a x38/48, A gfx card 4850/9800gtx+/260, find the combination that suits ur budget, however the ideal list would be


gigabyte dq6 x48/dfi lan party x48

som1053 said:
planning to upgrade my comp.So buying a new one
budget 60k. A GFX card thinking about 4850, a quad core , a 22' dell-which one???
any good CROSSFIRE MB.A good PSU to power the cross fire for at least 4850
It will be multipurpose use.
so pleaseeeeeee help. whats the price of 260.:)

First, made up your mind regarding Crossfire and SLI. Both of them are incompatible with each other.

I suggest get a HD 4870 instead of going for Crossfire or SLI . For 22" inch this card will serve you well enough for around one year. This card and a quad can be managed with your budget but I doubt if decent system can be made in 60K.

Also, if you are getting rig general usage (read no 3D or encoding stuff), get E8400 instead of a quad.
morgoth said:
First, made up your mind regarding Crossfire and SLI. Both of them are incompatible with each other.

I suggest get a HD 4870 instead of going for Crossfire or SLI . For 22" inch this card will serve you well enough for around one year. This card and a quad can be managed with your budget but I doubt if decent system can be made in 60K.

Also, if you are getting rig general usage (read no 3D or encoding stuff), get E8400 instead of a quad.

+1 and even if you cant afford a 4870 a 260 is a great card to go with, but then I guess 4870 would be cheaper in India, as against US, where the 260 is a cheaper to a 4870. And I forgot that Roboghosts 260 @ 14.8k looks to be a good deal!
4GB would be worth only if you are using 64 bit OS. On 32 bit it would be complete waste..
Opt for Corsair/GSkill..
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