Ubisoft India?

wow wht discussion man...i hope tht the ubisoft shud start developing new games in india only rather than going for only testing here...i expect games like price of persia 3d to be developed totally in india...hope this dream may come true one day.
peace dude

but tell me from how long u have worked with gameloft and did u worked with any other gaming company..in case u didnt then let me tell u ..i have worked for 1.5 years and came back from ubisoft

psyph3r said:
anshul stop talking crap,
i wrk in the pune studio and i knw far better than u wats gonna happen her,
and yea hyderabad studio will carry on only wid gameloft projects.
peace dude

but tell me from how long u have worked with gameloft and did u worked with any other gaming company..in case u didnt then let me tell u ..i have worked for 1.5 years and came back from ubisoft by doing porting from other company named ienergizer so its like i know more then u i guess but sorry

my mistake

psyph3r said:
anshul stop talking crap,
i wrk in the pune studio and i knw far better than u wats gonna happen her,
and yea hyderabad studio will carry on only wid gameloft projects.
Dude i aint arguing wid u, neither did i asked u for yer work experience, i was just saying wat u said earlier was wrong, and that i knw far better that u wats gonna happen here bcoz u are in hyderabad. Stop talking as if u wrk here.
As of today i finished my last project wid gameloft, frm monday i wrk fer ubi.
chalo congrats....and best of luck..dude...............for tommorow.. and yeah say my hi to alivin..and soon i will join u guys have a good time ...

got flight to catch ..to dreams..............
and i never said i work in pune i jst said what may happens in ubisoft pune dude

chalo my mistake big sorry..dudeeeeeeeeeeeeee:hap5:

psyph3r said:
Dude i aint arguing wid u, neither did i asked u for yer work experience, i was just saying wat u said earlier was wrong, and that i knw far better that u wats gonna happen here bcoz u are in hyderabad. Stop talking as if u wrk here.
As of today i finished my last project wid gameloft, frm monday i wrk fer ubi.
ubisoft eh? i hope you guys get to play around with far cry 2.... do they give you high-end hardware to work with??? drool... :)
anshul_coolguy said:
For techie reply:

U can check out name as lead "Anshul maheshwari" in number of games but only things gameloft have 1000 device for one game to be ported so i can tell u device now u arrange its JAD adn JAR kk...

now when i said i have some facts i told clearly its going to be 4-5 months to establish a studio as first its going to be game testing ...on console and PC only means while developres in pune studio will port for hyd studio team kk

Means while people will be hire for pune for testers and Some programmers who can work on direct X 10 and API and unreal engine so they can port it..games

See porting for console games is muchdifferetn as india have cheap resources so they foccuess on porting but porting is possible first time for console games

AS both porting for testing and development will bedone... anbd pelase what u people klnows about game porting ::: tell me do u know THQ porting is done in india ANd nintenDO DS and Ps3 porting is started in some place in india with more then 200 people working ...

U want games to be ported that i can also tel but jst accpet that we are jst as bit pace and yeah i have been into gaming industry from more then 2 years and i have seen what growth we had .And yeah in case i know ALll TE mmebers are pretty good games dont worry u got game testing job to come and after having 2 years exp yu can apply for UK or USA for job testing..

As i have jst came from UK from testing a games :)ohyeah: sorry cant discolsoe) for ubisoft as part of trainign.

Jst enjoy upcoming company nad yeah IN hyd MIcrosoft test XBox 360 and nividin in pune testingsome pc games and develop so chill and wwait for more updates and enjoy
Hey anshul.. good 2 kno ur in gameloft.. tell me since wen u hv been wit gl? and which facility are u located at right now ?Are there more job vacancies in gamelogt hyd?
anshul_coolguy said:
For techie reply:

U can check out name as lead "Anshul maheshwari" in number of games but only things gameloft have 1000 device for one game to be ported so i can tell u device now u arrange its JAD adn JAR kk...

now when i said i have some facts i told clearly its going to be 4-5 months to establish a studio as first its going to be game testing ...on console and PC only means while developres in pune studio will port for hyd studio team kk

Means while people will be hire for pune for testers and Some programmers who can work on direct X 10 and API and unreal engine so they can port it..games

See porting for console games is muchdifferetn as india have cheap resources so they foccuess on porting but porting is possible first time for console games

AS both porting for testing and development will bedone... anbd pelase what u people klnows about game porting ::: tell me do u know THQ porting is done in india ANd nintenDO DS and Ps3 porting is started in some place in india with more then 200 people working ...

U want games to be ported that i can also tel but jst accpet that we are jst as bit pace and yeah i have been into gaming industry from more then 2 years and i have seen what growth we had .And yeah in case i know ALll TE mmebers are pretty good games dont worry u got game testing job to come and after having 2 years exp yu can apply for UK or USA for job testing..

As i have jst came from UK from testing a games :)ohyeah: sorry cant discolsoe) for ubisoft as part of trainign.

Jst enjoy upcoming company nad yeah IN hyd MIcrosoft test XBox 360 and nividin in pune testingsome pc games and develop so chill and wwait for more updates and enjoy

Gyus stop flaming Anshul, my gurl works with the Pune studio and i've heard very good words for anshul over the last year or so. Whatever this guy is telling is true to the core. He is one of the seniors out there.

Psypher: Kool you work there, gotta meet sometime. Never knew anyone of the glofters visit TE, u may pm me ur name.
reply to roundrobin

EA in hyd is also hiring freshers but as per there rounds of interview is pretty tough as you have to give written apptitude test and 2 technical rounds

as per the gameloft test is concerend its pretty easy

1)Game testing round.
2)personal interview

that is and you are in One of the emerging mobile gaming company of india.....

and this round is for hyderabad studio only......

and thanks to sarang a lot.....

any information ..do let me know ...meanwhile news for you all ...mst be knowing this time in WCG there is going to be gameloft game :asphalt 3 street rules but dont know .....whether india studio will be having that or not

as both ubisoft and ea are hiring freshers. dont expect to see next GTA V coming from india :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and as far as gameloft is concerned, i think they r gonna stick to mobiles only because of the very simple reason that all mobile supports java now and mobile are damn cheap as compared to consoles and high end gpu :D i mean u dont have to give a ps3 to each game tester :bleh:
@anshul - you may be a senior guy at your place, but doesn't mean talking about company projects in a public forum like this...
There are certain things to be kept confidential....called ethics

Please don't take it as offence....just felt saying :)
pcgamer said:
@anshul - you may be a senior guy at your place, but doesn't mean talking about company projects in a public forum like this...
There are certain things to be kept confidential....called ethics

Please don't take it as offence....just felt saying :)

and what classified info u got from anshul's posts.:huh: :huh: secondly its NOT public forum, its techie's forum :hap2:
painkiller said:
and what classified info u got from anshul's posts.:huh: :huh: secondly its NOT public forum, its techie's forum :hap2:

One is not supposed to discuss your company projects/type of work done in public.
And Techenclave is an absolute techie forum, but its open to public and can be found with google search :bleh:
dude what project did i mention in this website can anyone please tell me i jst told the the process the company follows for hiring a tester

and same thing is found in orkut in gameloft community and in case if i am doing any mistake mod..please do let me know i wont right ...

sorry my mistake..............dude.......................tellingsomeone about the process of hiring somone ...and yeah its jst helping a hand..anywahs thanks for the suggestion....

pcgamer said:
One is not supposed to discuss your company projects/type of work done in public.
And Techenclave is an absolute techie forum, but its open to public and can be found with google search :bleh:
actually i dont think there were any details here which can be considered 'confidential' info. sorry to interfere, but IMO ur overdoing the secrecy bit :p it was out of line if he mentioned any particular proj, but he didnt. n i work for a company too :p
anshul_coolguy said:
dude what project did i mention in this website can anyone please tell me i jst told the the process the company follows for hiring a tester

and same thing is found in orkut in gameloft community and in case if i am doing any mistake mod..please do let me know i wont right ...

sorry my mistake..............dude.......................tellingsomeone about the process of hiring somone ...and yeah its jst helping a hand..anywahs thanks for the suggestion....

@anshul - Dude, i may have gone bit overboard on this, sorry if it offended you. There can a situation where u may give out more info in enthusiasm from specific questions from fellow posters...
If its safe with you to provide any of this info and you feel its right, please go ahead.....i had posted for your safety...

Wish you all the very best in your gaming career :hap2:
since pcgamer has granted permission to u to post whatever u think :hap2: may i ask is there any game in pipeline which can kick crysis' bada$$ in graphic dept. :eek:hyeah:
[quote name='painkiller']@anshul
since pcgamer has granted permission to u to post whatever u think :hap2: may i ask is there any game in pipeline which can kick crysis' bada$$ in graphic dept. :eek:hyeah:[/
dude sorry even i dont have any idea butjst have knowledge that EA studio in california is planning something big to come up..in case if i come up with some knowledge ...i will surely let u know...

thanks .....cheers:clap:
anshul_coolguy said:
dude sorry even i dont have any idea butjst have knowledge that EA studio in california is planning something big to come up..in case if i come up with some knowledge ...i will surely let u know...

thanks .....cheers:clap:
no problem buddy just keep me posted :yahoo: