Yes, it's very early, but thought I would post interesting links leading up to the final release 
For starters, some youtube links:
See YouTube - ubuntudevelopers's Channel
Ben Collins talks about what the kernel team will be concentrating on for Jaunty:
Ken Wimer from the design team talks about the new teams to support user experience, the approach to artwork and UI design and the famous dark theme:
Richard Johnson talks about Kubuntu, KDE 4.2, changes in the repository set up, being a core developer and the Chicago LoCo team:
This sucks: Ubuntu blogspot: No facebrowser for Jaunty

For starters, some youtube links:
See YouTube - ubuntudevelopers's Channel
Ben Collins talks about what the kernel team will be concentrating on for Jaunty:
Ken Wimer from the design team talks about the new teams to support user experience, the approach to artwork and UI design and the famous dark theme:
Richard Johnson talks about Kubuntu, KDE 4.2, changes in the repository set up, being a core developer and the Chicago LoCo team:
This sucks: Ubuntu blogspot: No facebrowser for Jaunty