Linux Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) Discussion Thread

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Global Moral Police
Yes, it's very early, but thought I would post interesting links leading up to the final release :D

For starters, some youtube links:

See YouTube - ubuntudevelopers's Channel

Ben Collins talks about what the kernel team will be concentrating on for Jaunty:


Ken Wimer from the design team talks about the new teams to support user experience, the approach to artwork and UI design and the famous dark theme:


Richard Johnson talks about Kubuntu, KDE 4.2, changes in the repository set up, being a core developer and the Chicago LoCo team:


This sucks: Ubuntu blogspot: No facebrowser for Jaunty
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Some more videos from the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) at Google HQ :D

Chris Cheney talks about maintaining and the backporting of version 3 to Intrepid:


Soren Hansen from the server team talks about his work on the virtualisation software used in Ubuntu:


2 videos where Mark Shuttleworth talks about UDS, how the new teams at Canonical will work, the impact of changes to the way Ubuntu is developed and the development focus for Jaunty:



Scott Ritchie talks about WINE, the Windows application compatibility layer which he packages for Ubuntu:

People on ubuntuforums are apparently having problems with installation (some recommend using the alternate ISO) and even those upgrading from alpha 1 are facing some breakage as expected from an alpha.

I'm hoping the next alpha (alpha 3) will be stable enough to risk installing on my desktop :)
In my experience the alternate cd has always been a better bet with at least the last 3 or 4 major releases of Ubuntu.
Was planning to wait for alpha 3 (due Jan 15th) but gave in to temptation. So my tablet PC is now running current Jaunty amd64 alpha version after-2-but-before-3 and it seems eerily stable :ohyeah: Wifi, sound, nvidia 3d effects all working!
Welcome to Jaunty Jackalope Alpha-3, which will in time become Ubuntu 9.04. New features: updated packages; X.Org server 1.6 - in the short term, this will again cause increased instability for some users while the video drivers catch up; new style for notifications and notification preferences - a simple menu which can be used to set preferences for notification icons, such as where they pop up on the taskbar; includes the 2.6.28 kernel based on 2.6.28-rc8; ext4 installation support - supports the option of installing on the new ext4 file system, ext3 is likely to remain the default for Jaunty

Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope - Alpha 3 | Ubuntu |
If MDV and Arch really were that fast it would have been headline news already! Maybe you are measuring it in a different way :P

Anyway, I just reformatted and installed Jaunty alpha 3 with EXT4 filesystem on my tablet and desktop and there is an impressive 25% improvement in bootup speed for me!

Earlier my tablet used to boot from pressing enter in grub to GNOME login prompt in about 40 sec now its 30 sec!

And my desktop boots like a rocket heh :D About 20 seconds flat!

But for full "boot into usable desktop" time I think there is work to be done for GNOME... KDE might be better in this respect...

Hope they can maintain or further improve the boot speeds for final release.

Caution that some people on forums are reporting filesystem corruption (zero size files) with the new EXT4, not sure if they did a fresh format or converted EXT3 to EXT4 tho...

EDIT: Shutdown times are about 15 sec on tablet and 10 sec on desktop... sweet :D
Its because MDV and Arch are not much into advertising while Buntu's are .. :P No doubt Ubuntu are great but there are better and faster alternative available there :)

Well looky here, according to my bootcharts my desktop is 15 sec (2 sec or 10% faster than your bootchart) and tablet is 24 sec :D

Although there is some issue in the image where both "time" are showing about 30 sec while the actual chart is lower...

I see this isn't your own bootchart image you posted coz it shows a Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU running MDV cooker but you have a Phenom X3?

Looks like my beloved Ubuntu leaves your Mandriva in the dust :P
Open your eyes dude ? :P


Mandriva Cooker | Ubuntu Jaunty

Yea thats not mine. But there won't be much diff.. I don't have MDV atm cause I have to review something that why have to remove MDV for it :)

Looks like my beloved Ubuntu leaves your Mandriva in the dust

Are you sleeping :P :bleh: See the charts again :P
ehehe DS there is some issue in my bootchart as I wrote in the above post, see the actual chart lines... not the "time:" field... its 15 sec (desktop) and 24 sec (tablet)... not 30:xx I promise I am not scamming you :D
I got that by seeing it :P :bleh: Even if you look at the chart Ubuntu consumes more time. The graph goes beyond 20seconds while the one I posted stops nearby to 15 so there is quite a difference in Ubuntu and MDV, and please note that MDV comes with KDE 4:)
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