Linux Ubuntu 9.10 Is The Karmic Koala

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Dark Star

Succeeding Ubuntu 9.04 come October will be Ubuntu 9.10, which has been codenamed the Karmic Koala. With Ubuntu 9,10, Mark hopes the Karmic Koala further enhances Ubuntu's position on servers with cloud computing improvements and on the desktop through a number of emerging technologies.

Ubuntu 9.10 will contain cloud computing enhancements for those using the Amazon EC2 service or for those looking to build their own computing cloud. There will be new utilities and other improvements in the free software stack to better position Ubuntu in the cloud.

When it comes to the desktop, Ubuntu 9.10 will likely integrate Plymouth. Plymouth is the wonderful project developed by Red Hat to replace RHGB as the boot splash program.
Plymouth was introduced with Fedora 10 and uses kernel mode-setting (on supported drivers/hardware) to provide a clean and flicker-free experience. Plymouth also has a number of plug-ins and other capabilities that makes it an excellent replacement for USplash. More information on this project can be found in A closer look at Red Hat's Plymouth. We previously reported on plans for Plymouth integration in Ubuntu 9.10.

Beyond finally having an Ubuntu release with kernel mode-setting support (since Ubuntu 9.04 will not ship with Linux 2.6.29 that brings forth KMS), on the desktop front the Karmic Koala will also focus on netbook improvements.

Source :
So the good news is, boot will be beautiful. The bad news is, you won't have long to appreciate it!

The desktop will have a designer's fingerprints all over it - we're now beginning the serious push to a new look. Brown has served us well but the Koala is considering other options. Come to UDS for a preview of the whole new look.

OMG 9.04 isnt even out yet, already looking forward to 9.10 !

Top things to look for:

1. Beautiful Boot.

2. Login Experience.

3. Shiny New Theme.
Does it work with e-mu1212m out of the box? Are there are indeed any professional cards supported at all bit-depths and sampling rates, by Alsa or OSS?

I guess not, I wonder when the open-source community will focus on driver support over enhancements. Until then, they are the Pondering Panda in my book - exotic and nearly extinct. You can't on the world's desktop if you don't support hardware that's in their boxes.
When wil they quit having these minor changes, and come out with something that really changes the ubuntu experience for the better..

When it comes to the desktop, Ubuntu 9.10 will likely integrate Plymouth. Plymouth is the wonderful project developed by Red Hat to replace RHGB as the boot splash program. Plymouth was introduced with Fedora 10 and uses kernel mode-setting (on supported drivers/hardware) to provide a clean and flicker-free experience. Plymouth also has a number of plug-ins and other capabilities that makes it an excellent replacement for USplash. More information on this project can be found in A closer look at Red Hat's Plymouth. We previously reported on plans for Plymouth integration in Ubuntu 9.10.

Big deal..everything else remains the same?

The user interface?

Really, a simple theme pack can give all these results why bother with a whole new release and a fancy name?

You hear abt a new release and get all excited and end up with crap improvements like these..
^^What do you meant by minor changes ?:S A whole new subsystem [kernel , gnome ] and lots of bug fixes and new boot system as mentioned.. Thats more than enough for new released :bleh:

As far as interface goes you won't get a new interface before Gnome 3.0 :P
Dark Star said:
^^What do you meant by minor changes ?:S A whole new subsystem [kernel , gnome ] and lots of bug fixes and new boot system as mentioned.. Thats more than enough for new released :bleh:

As far as interface goes you won't get a new interface before Gnome 3.0 :P

Oh so a new release just for less flickering in the boot screen..No one cares for a new boot screen system, it adds nothing to the functionality, its called beating around the bush..:@

I know im not helping by ranting, but then this is getting irritating..When there are basic things that can be made easier, all they can think of is boot screen..:no:

Its stupid, senseless..

The kernel and gnome release can be had via an update also..;)
Jaunty will bring ext4 support .that itself is good to hear.hardcore window$ users expect Linux distros to copy window$ UI and all.not possible.for window$ ,go use that thing.Linux is *Nix ,you won't find gaming shell here.Linux is NOT Windows
prakashan said:
Jaunty will bring ext4 support .that itself is good to hear.hardcore window$ users expect Linux distros to copy window$ UI and all.not possible.for window$ ,go use that thing.Linux is *Nix ,you won't find gaming shell here.Linux is NOT Windows

Is that you Praka??:rofl:

Yes yes! it is, it is, for i second i almost thought that this disease is viral!!! :rofl:
^what is your problem boy?I would like to point you here:

Linux is NOT Windows

Read the 1st thing.LINUX CANNOT BE WINDOW$!that's can't whine about Linux not having this window$ feature or that !.be it user interface or applications.both are really different as in dos and $nix.Gnome or Kde(may suit window$ users?) are not dancing with the tunes to play cameo with window$ UI these days. :)

you must read that link window$_Monger. :D

pwned_window$_monger said:
Big deal..everything else remains the same?

The user interface?

Really, a simple theme pack can give all these results why bother with a whole new release and a fancy name?

You hear abt a new release and get all excited and end up with crap improvements like these..
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