Linux Ubuntu- Black screen after installing Nvidia drivers...

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I have scoured the web the last few hours and I have come across a plethora of similar problems relating to Ubuntu and Nvidia drivers. However, I still havent found a sufficient cure for the problem.

The exact problem I face is that as soon as I install the Nvidia recommended drivers using the "Hardware Driver Manager", I restart the system but it never gets past the login splash screen. After I log in it simply goes to a black screen and sits like this indefinately.

Does anyone know of a particular fix for this problem? I am at the end of my tether and there is no way I can use Linux if it means either getting a different graphics driver or sitting on a 800*600 resolution. (Not to mention I dont have acclerated 3d no DVD playing!)

I have a Nvidia GeForce4 MX graphics card and im a complete n00b to Linx so please go easy on the technical jargon. Any help greatly appreciated.

if you have the geforce4 mx (which is a really old card i believe) then i hope you installed one of the matching nvidia driver versions - like the legacy 7xxx series maybe?

edit: according to official nvidia forums:

the version you probably want is the 9x.xx.xx series... if its not in the ubuntu hardware manager then you need to uninstall it first then download and install manually from the forum link
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