Linux ubuntu intrepid unleashed!

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it is party time folks! :cheers:

intrepid is out

and it is better than ever :ohyeah:

get it here

and don't forget to seeeeeed

also just to get you started

The PDF Edition of Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is available entirely free of charge

click on image to goto download site

Thanks a ton for the update !!
Someone using please consider reviewing it soon

I luv this forum
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Yea OOO is still 2.4.1 while Mandriva has 3.0 Rc2 [darn no updates as of yet] ..

By the way Pidgin is there :) 2.5.2 :) no Empathy in Ubuntu !

That USB maker looks more or less like unetbootin ..

upgraded to ibex(8.10) via net.was painfully slow yesterday.problem is with my dataone connection or ubuntu mirrors?that I dont know :) .

nothing much of a ,I have to hunt for ppa repositories for latest deluge ,etc and more etc.
get community themes from here.

some themes like new wave and dark room are pretty slick


get them here
Dark Star said:
Why to get packages ? Better use
it is a slick process.

no need to download it on a folder /desktop and then drag it into Appearance window.

just a single click on the link and it gets done.
next thing needed is to select and apply the theme.
but since both ways end result is going to be exactly same ,
it all comes down to what is one comfortable with.
Why to copy it only to /desktop folder :P I never installed any theme using packages and that crap site doesn't list many distro like Arch, Sabayon , Mandriva an so on ..
Dark Star said:
Why to copy it only to /desktop folder :P I never installed any theme using packages and that crap site doesn't list many distro like Arch, Sabayon , Mandriva an so on ..
so does that make installing themes from that site a bad idea?
it was a post about an easy to install a few good themes in ubuntu.

how does Arch , Sabayon , Madriva come into discussion?
^^Why not ? Every Operating uses its own Kernel , Windows has its own , OSX depends on BSD for that, Linux has Linux kernel [universal to all Linux OS though OS Manufacturer tweak it to provide better results ]

but my linux ubuntu was already running on a custom compiled 2.6.26 kernel :P so no panic whatever for me !.also ,intrepid does not slow down for me.


SO ,here is the /etc/apt/sources.list of mine for Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex :-

# # If you get GPG errors with this sources.list, locate the GPG key in this file

# and run these commands (where KEY is replaced with that key)


# gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys KEY

# gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -


# If you don't know what to do with this file, read

# [url][/url]

deb [url][/url] intrepid-security main restricted

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-security restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties

deb [url][/url] intrepid-security universe

deb [url][/url] intrepid-security multiverse

deb [url][/url] intrepid main universe restricted multiverse

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid main universe restricted multiverse #Added by software-properties

deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-updates universe main multiverse restricted #Added by software-properties

deb [url][/url] intrepid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted #Added by software-properties

deb [url][/url] intrepid-backports universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-backports universe main multiverse restricted #Added by software-properties

deb [url][/url] intrepid partner

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid partner

deb [url][/url] intrepid free non-free

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid free non-free


deb [url][/url] intrepid main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid main restricted universe multiverse


deb [url][/url] intrepid main

deb-src [url][/url] intrepid main

deb [url][/url] intrepid main

Hope somebody will benefit.

If you want the steps to use these lines ,ask shashwat aka darkstar :)
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