Ultima90 or Ultra120 Extreme ??

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Quote: Originally Posted by stormblast View Post

that is because it is much better than the ultima when ocing.

Not necessarily, I think. (based on reputed sites only and without any personal experience)

DUDE... the discussion here is about bikey playing around with a bunch of proccys.. hes gonna be ocing them,,, nd pretty hard too..
sTALKEr said:
DUDE... the discussion here is about bikey playing around with a bunch of proccys.. hes gonna be ocing them,,, nd pretty hard too..


Just usual OC and only dual cores most of them- not pretty hard- coz the hardware belongs to friends and will have to return soon. :P
just psu, cooler, hdd will be mine.

Also thinking of getting some good DDR2 sticks as i will be getting value 800 sticks for them.

Dont want to stress their RAM- coz that will be the first thing to go if i get a lil aggressive. :no:

But not sure coz the way DDR2 prices drop- i wll lose a lot of money on stuff just for timepass. :(

I have no use yet for DDR2 otherwise. :rofl:
so in a Nutshell the Quad DOES NOT DEMAND d TRUE - :D

TRUE may be needed only for Extreme overclocks - to push the limits and not otherwise. Regular OCs can easily be done on the Ultima90
^^ Exactly, unless you really push your Quad hard. For non-OC'er or even mild-OC'er Ultima 90 would do the job at less size, weight and cost. In fact I think using Push-Pull fan setup on Ultima, will give even better results at mild oc'ing.
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