CPU/Mobo Ultimate Download Rig

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I need a very very light weight (low power) download rig. I read some of threads using asus Wl520gu as a download rig with custom firmware - but there are lots of hassles and transmitting files from the router+usb drive to pc is very slow. Can i build a very low powered pc ?
Your title is misleading as much as your query without sufficient details such as budget!

Many routers and standalone media players can be made to work as torrent downloaders but I'm not sure how many torrent files could those handle at a time. A cheap PC would be the Intel Atom 230 (D945GCLF) board. You need to get hold of the cheapest 512MB DDR2 stick and plonk in a hard drive and a power supply. Dump those inside a shoebox and you're set.
agm_105 said:
I believe have bought this....can you write a short review about this...and hw to get it in mumbai or india ??

no varkey doesnt have it yet... all of us are interested in this... it is available for preordering right now. the company based in china, aint very good with timelines from the reviews i have read.

router option, is good if you go for very high powered router then you can manage four to five torrents. i am doing what you want done on an AC RYan Playon HD network media player. with five torrents, at best the proc runs 3% load.
so here is the list >>>

1. asus 530gu router (1 torrent) - Rs.2400

2. atom setup+shoebox+512mb ddr2 ram (i have a generic psu)= price ?

3. guruplug - Rs.7000

4.AC RYan Playon HD network media player = Rs.10k (149 euro)

-- can someone help me with atom setup cost ?
The Atom board comes to about 3.2k. The RAM might cost about <800 bucks. A 160GB hard drive <2k perhaps? Buy second hand stuff for most of the components to save up on the expenses. Ensure that you have warranty for them though.
mayanksahni said:
Atom mobo + proccy = 3k (max)

512mb ddr2 ram = 1k (max)

Shoebox = buy a new pair of shoes or use the box of an old one :p

getting this setup looks more reasonable to me -what will be the power footprint ?? as for the shoebox 0 are u suggesting -getting a shoebox literally :huh: - I have old mid tower cabby+psu lying around -the problem here is space.Can I fit my generic psu with a micro mini cabby ?
^Yes you can. An ITX motherboard fits on an enclosure which can house an ATX/micro-ATX motherboards. As for the power supply, I suggest you invest in a good one since I had a cheapo model which went kaput after about 2 months' intensive usage - i.e 24x7 operation. So be warned just in case you are planning to use a local el-cheapo power supply.

As for the power consumption, it'd be less than 50W.
Desecrator said:
^Yes you can. An ITX motherboard fits on an enclosure which can house an ATX/micro-ATX motherboards. As for the power supply, I suggest you invest in a good one since I had a cheapo model which went kaput after about 2 months' intensive usage - i.e 24x7 operation. So be warned just in case you are planning to use a local el-cheapo power supply.

As for the power consumption, it'd be less than 50W.

which one psu are u using for ur download rig?are you using it as a NAS or simple download rig with winxp/linux ? with this setup I will also need a basic router ?
BeagleBoard.org - default

I have got one of those, you can use it as a general purpose desktop as well any sort of lightweight server you want. Of course, it is mighty suitable as a download rig.


Yes, that's it. You can attach the usual peripherals.

Also, if you are really keen on it, I might consider selling it (in desperate need for some money). The new version retails around 9.5k.
alcy said:
BeagleBoard.org - default

I have got one of those, you can use it as a general purpose desktop as well any sort of lightweight server you want. Of course, it is mighty suitable as a download rig.


Yes, that's it. You can attach the usual peripherals.

Also, if you are really keen on it, I might consider selling it (in desperate need for some money). The new version retails around 9.5k.

very interesting,which OS do u installed ? Is it available in india ?
Apart from being just interesting, I don't think you'll be able to find a machine with a lesser footprint than this. Just 5 volts for christ's sake ! I installed linux, and that's what works with it best. Although there are guidelines for installing Windows, but most don't use it. Yes, its available in India. Check out IDA Systems - Home.
I am currently using the Atom rig and using a generic PSU and the power usage according to APC Powerchute is about 50w which imo is pretty high.

So you will need to invest in a good efficient power supply which will further add to the cost

agm_105 - Yes I have ordered it, but they haven't started shipping yet. They said it will be shipped by end of April. So waiting for that. :P
alcy said:
Apart from being just interesting, I don't think you'll be able to find a machine with a lesser footprint than this. Just 5 volts for christ's sake ! I installed linux, and that's what works with it best. Although there are guidelines for installing Windows, but most don't use it. Yes, its available in India. Check out IDA Systems - Home.

5 volts with memory card or usb hdd? what about casing the board ? which specific linux distor are u using - ubuntu ?
satyanjoy said:
getting this setup looks more reasonable to me -what will be the power footprint ?? as for the shoebox 0 are u suggesting -getting a shoebox literally :huh: - I have old mid tower cabby+psu lying around -the problem here is space.Can I fit my generic psu with a micro mini cabby ?

lol, no mate, I mean to say that buy a cheap quality cabby of small size which is easily available for 300-400rs and power consumption will be 40W max.

For psu I would suggest u to take zebronics real watts 350W or fsp saga II 350W or gigabyte 80+ psu (one which is being sold for 1650rs by buygamingstuff). All three of them are equally good and recommended for download rigs. They all will cost around 1.6k.

Enjoy downloading. :hap2:
Btw my downloading netbook (lenovo s9) died few days ago. Creating thread for the same to look out for the opinions. :S
alcy said:
BeagleBoard.org - default

I have got one of those, you can use it as a general purpose desktop as well any sort of lightweight server you want. Of course, it is mighty suitable as a download rig.


Yes, that's it. You can attach the usual peripherals.

Also, if you are really keen on it, I might consider selling it (in desperate need for some money). The new version retails around 9.5k.

It does not have ethernet or Wifi, AFAIK. you will have attach a USB based NIC which isn't nice considering single USB port
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