Storage Solutions Unable to Format my Seagate Laptop harddrive to NTFS, FAT32

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a friend of mine had a seagate Go flex external hardrive (2.5"). He took the drive out from the casing and used the drive in his PS3.

It was all working fine until:
  • he took out the drive and connected to his friends PC which was full of viruses
  • All the data got deleted and
  • Now the drive is not formatting in any other format apart from exFAT. Its formatted in exFAT format.
  • When I format to exFAT it somehow gets formatted

I have used Windows 7 formatter, GPART, to carry out the format but no use.

  • The error I get is generic "Windows was unable for format the drive"
  • GPART: "1 operation unsuccessful":(

No warranty as the drive was taken out of the casing. So any inputs would be appreciated
Do the following

1-Connect drive to PC

2-Make sure you have backup of all contents of the drive

3-Open CMD(Command Prompt), and run it as administrator

4-type "diskpart" a dialog box will pop up click "Yes"

5-type "list disk" This will show all the drives connected to that PC(pen drives, HDDs etc)

6-Now carefully select the disk you want to format, don't make a error in selecting wrong disk, you can identify your drive by capacity, note down the number adjacent to your drive(it will be in form of Disk 0, Disk 1 etc) select disk by "select disk X"

7-type "clean"

8-after its successful, type "create partition primary"

9-type "format fs=ntfs quick"

10-after that when you open my computer and open your drive it ask to format[OPTIONAL]
burn this on a CD
Connect only the problematic hard disk to the computer
pop in the CD
boot from CD
Nuke the hard disk!! (this utility deletes everything on hard disk)
The below command looks to be incorrect:(
Also, its actually "diskpart" not "disk part"
Can u help here?

Thanks for pointing out, was a typo
and I guessing you figured out how to select disk, I forgot to write the command for it(its "select disk X")

As for the command in steps 8 and 9, when I followed this method for first time the "make partition primary" command worked
After your post I used the whole method on a spare pen drive and surprisingly that command is not working.

Anyways, also the command in step 7 is only "clean" and not "make clean"
After you perform this step, go to disk management in windows and your drive will be shown as unallocated space, just right click on it and select "New Simple Volume"
Did all the below.
Now when I go from disk management and create a simple volume and then format ...I get the same error

Sometimes I also get the error "Disk redundancy error" or something:(
Thanks for pointing out, was a typo
and I guessing you figured out how to select disk, I forgot to write the command for it(its "select disk X")

As for the command in steps 8 and 9, when I followed this method for first time the "make partition primary" command worked
After your post I used the whole method on a spare pen drive and surprisingly that command is not working.

Anyways, also the command in step 7 is only "clean" and not "make clean"
After you perform this step, go to disk management in windows and your drive will be shown as unallocated space, just right click on it and select "New Simple Volume"
Did all the below.
Now when I go from disk management and create a simple volume and then format ...I get the same error

Sometimes I also get the error "Disk redundancy error" or something:(

Generally all the problems with a disk such as not being able to format, drive showing less space etc are solved by using diskpart
I have updated my original post with updated steps, sorry for so much typos in commands

Here are the two links which you might find helpful

How to Fix a Cyclic Redundancy Check Error: 8 steps
Cannot Format Hard Disk - Windows 7 Forums

If it doesn't work, its time to bring out big guns, then you can use the EASEUS partition manager and TestDisk(recommended)
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