Unable to open hotmail


I have encountered a peculiar problem on my desktop and laptop... I am unable to open hotmail site. It is trying to open and later after a long time says time out.

My last change is i had a bsnl broadband 512 kb unlimited and i did switch it to bsnl broadband 4 MBPS and nothing else changed. I have a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit desktop and laptop is running with windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and same problem is there on both the systems.. I tried with chrome, Safari, Firefox and internet explorer and same problem is faced on both the systems. Currrently i have Kaspersky Internet security 2012 on both i even tried to disable the kaspersky and still the problem persists. I have updated windows with all updates provided by microsoft. Dont know what is the issue. Now the router which i have is asus RT N 13 U and modem is dlink GLB 502 T and i know it used to work well with these internet devices earlier. Please hgelp me in fixing the issue..
This could very well be a local problem which will disappear. Yahoo Mail plays with me often. I get a 404. I close it and open it after some time. Of course you can Google and get a lot of advice. But unfortunately no sure way of solving such problems.
actually the issue started more than a week ago and i was also under the same impression and was looking for a solution ... but not able to get one!!!!!
I had trouble opening hotmail on a few of my browsers until I realised that my pop-up blockers were interfering with the site. Have you tried disabling adblock, noscript or pop-blocking on hotmail?
^^ Nope, Hotmail still works. Users have an option to upgrade to Outlook whenever they want.

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@OP: Go to your routers configuration page and change the MTU size to 1350.
I am still facing the same problem and when I try to login it gets stuck at the below link

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I have a Asus rt n 13 router and I am unable to locate the setting u suggested.....

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^^ Nope, Hotmail still works. Users have an option to upgrade to Outlook whenever they want.

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@OP: Go to your routers configuration page and change the MTU size to 1350.

Changing MTu to 1350 helped I am able to go to hotmail site....could any please tell me what is this setting
I am glad that worked for you. I had similar problems too when I had changed to a new router. 2 Days of googling brought me to this solution.

[h=1]MTU size performance impacts[/h]The MTU size of the network can have a large impact on performance.
The use of large MTU sizes allows the operating system to send fewer packets of a larger size to reach the same network throughput. The larger packets greatly reduce the processing required in the operating system, assuming the workload allows large messages to be sent. If the workload is only sending small messages, then the larger MTU size will not help.
When possible, use the largest MTU size that the adapter and network support. For example, on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) adapters, the default MTU size of 9180 is much more efficient than using a MTU size of 1500 bytes (normally used by LAN Emulation). With Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, if all of the machines on the network have Gigabit Ethernet adapters and no 10/100 adapters on the network, then it would be best to use jumbo frame mode. For example, a server-to-server connection within the computer lab can typically be done using jumbo frames.
i did face issues in connecting to some of the secured sites and needed the mtu to be changes if you are not facing any issues.... then you need not make any changes..