Unable to start TC in Win XP..Its urgent..

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Hey guys,

Tried starting TC and its givin this error

Well i have used TC in XP earlier...whats the problem here..?? I need to use TC tonite.. at any cost..!!

Any other options..
I redownloaded it..!! Still no change..!!

Anyways... the app. starts..but crashes too frequently..
Does the compiler run? I had a similar problem. Fixed that by tring different versions. Do the same. I can probably give you the one that worked for me (i'l look for it if you want).
@Ankit :- You are right..I need to try other versions..but its too late now..its 5.30 in the morning..and i have my University exam at 10..So just goin thru my DLL assigments ;)

Sure lemme try the version you have..

@Crazygeek and Chaos :- Well yeah should use modern compiler...but am kinda used to turbo C as its the only one installed in our college...Well yeah while programmin it doenst make any diff ;) But still...

Thanks though :)
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