Unable to view some sites on airtel


I've been having this issue, surprisingly, since I've been using vista 32 bit. Some sites just don't open on any browser(ie, ff, opera). Oddly enuf, the sites I've identified that don't work anymore so far are:

By not working, I mean, the site gets resolved and all that but the browser gets stuck at, say, "Waiting for sidewindercomputers.com...", and no amount of stop & refresh makes a difference in any of the browsers.

For now, I've kept frustration at bay by using Tor but some sites that associate my logged-in session with my ip don't work very well, and there are some sites that say that my ip was banned. So I have to switch tor on and off...not very ideal solution.

So what do you guys think is wrong? I'll try installing xp but not anytime soon.
hey man im also on airtelbb and have vista,havent faced this problem so far,above mentioned sites seem to be opening normally
This looks the problem with your ip rather than XP. Since you use airtel Bb i assume you are on fixed ip .try requesting a new ip adress from airtel.

The iP gets banned only when you try to hack or some othr illegal activites. I dont think reinstalling will solve the issue.
So I can rule out vista messing with me.

@Sandy, I have tried with the 3 browsers that I have. I can ping those sites no problem. Like I said, the browsers can connect but never get past the "waiting for" stage (well, except to proceed onto the time-out page).

Jus noticed that I pasted xtremesystems.org. That was a mis-paste and that site works ok.
If it's dnspoisoning, shudn't I be redirected to some other site?

Tracert to sidewinder seems ok to me and Ping reports the ip as, which dnsstuff.com says is a yahoo store domain. What tests do I do to make sure?
its xtremesystems.org not xtremesystemes.org. looks like the site is having some problems

rest of the links work fine.
I don' use third-party tools. Only the built-in firewall and that too only for blocking some programs from calling home.

PS:I just tried again after turning all the vista security programs but no cigar.
I was about to bump this thread since the same problem persists, when I noticed that desitorrents and demonoid.com returned "hostname not found" errors in the browser and in utorrent. I've started using opendns again (had stopped using it when i learnt that it increased resolving latency).

Makes me want to shout out: "Help! I'm being repressed!" :(