Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lynx ]

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Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

strategy said:
BTW when can i expect them at my door-step!

Once we ship we have to see how soon it gets there and then only we can figure something out ok
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

Tried the UM mage and Miracle today at Stereo in Singapore.
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

bennysachdev said:
Tried the UM mage and Miracle today at Stereo in Singapore.
Looking for attention are we ? :p
AND ?????
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

I'm avoiding commenting on the SQ cause of a few reasons. They were universal remolds and the custom ones for your ears sound much better. Atleast thats what the guy at Stereo told me.
TBH, maybe its just me, or I don't really know, I'm just too confused after hearing customs. To keep it short and simple in 3 words, I expected better. Maybe they were too revealing(as in my source was bad, the sflo2) or maybe the UM customs just sounded just Okayy. And if after trying IEMs worth 40k+ your initial reaction is not HOLYYY COWW!!! than there is something wrong. Atleast that was my reaction when i heard the TF10's for the first time.

Sflo2 (HO) -> Dire Straits / Anjunabeats / Unplugged Nirvana -> UM Mage, Reaction : They have plenty of bass just like the JH10x3. They both are in the same league to me and sound sig was also pretty similar. They both have plenty of bass and are kinda dark and tubeish kinda sound. The JH have more lush and smooth mids. The UM were more analytical(but not dry). There is plenty of bass authority. The treble was not sharp or ear piercing, it was something like an Re1 if you've tried one.
The Miracle were much more sophisticated in the sense that there was a much bigger soundstage with a much better separation in the instruments. It was a notch better than the Mage, no doubts. Everything was a notch better in the Miracle but they still sounded very bassy to me.

I'm not very good with using the kinda jargons that they use on head-fi but to give a picture of what the UM customs sounds like, think of those old audio cassette players we used to listen to, if you remember they had a button to put it on Metal mode for metal audio cassettes. For me, the customs sounds like a cd player playing a good clean signal in true cd quality through with the Metal mode on. It just makes everything sound bassy. Somehow its kinda put me off of the whole custom craze unless your a basshead.
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

^ hmm...

now i am an optimist, i will filter out the good parts.

better soundstage than mage. which i already praised for its great soundstage.!! ..i for one am a soundstage-head (as in basshead :P) ( i dont go for speakers cause i am selfish) . but seriously sound stage width, depth and imaging are very important to me along with the airiness in the treble, ike the one my k702 offers. so its good that miracke has better soundstage than mage.

and about your complaints

i dont dig much in to the custom fit improvement part, i mean if you were able to get a perfect fit( like i get with the image s4 , mind you, just the fit an isolation) i doubt the final sound quality will be much better than what you hear (it might be slightly better though , because of driver placement , ...hmm driverplacement according to ears, there can be a huge improvement...yeah....read on guys i am confused)

but bassy, i really was not expecting this with UM !! imean Mage are said to have very quick textured bass , but in less quantity. i mean they are compared to ck100/10 in the bass department.

Oh ..BTW happy dipawali.
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

its 30K -40K iems we are talking about here, a good setup will be pico DAC + pico/RSA/ibasso amp. or the HM801/HM-602 (...:)) ( but some ight not agree on the hifimans)
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

^ I won't agree on the HiFiPayMeMoreMan. You can send me your 602 so that I can verify this with my own ears - just make sure you send the free RE-262s as well :ohyeah:
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

Well i am curious WHY exactly dont you agree . I have read tons of reviews that says HM801 has better quality /power/soundstage than even the best portable amps ...no pico slim /arrow here ...the big boys , RSA,Ibasso and Pico Dac/amps !! you read the headphonia comparison of DACs right they said HM802 is surely better than ithe ibasso dac amp setup!! and even you consider the ibassos to be good .( or is headphonia a fanboy site now ?.i mean they sure praise HeadDIrect stuff a lot.)

dont bring the frequency response graph here.

:( they are yet to reach me ..Even the sflo is not here..you are talking about sending them to you :(
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

I'll wait till you get and try them for yourself ;). I'll probably get another reliable feedback sometime next month, so let's wait and see if the 602s actually have great SQ or is it just the hype machine in full swing.

BTW, it's headfonia. Headphonia is home of the Arrow amp.
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

sorry sorry.:P dint pay much attention there.

and good thing about Head direct preorders, you will never suffer loss. i can always sell my HM-602 at around $320 !(...as some HM have gone for 375 on Head fi ) and the price of HM602 (alone, no re262 now) is $440+ shipping
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

@ All ,

i would have had my lot of HM602 if the dudes at fedex would not have been diwaling too much lol ,The parcel reached paris instead of new delhi .It did reach new delhi but they pushed it to paris for no rime or reason .But holy cow it might smell good from the perfumes etc of paris when it reaches back haa haa haa

PS :Perfumes will have no effect on The SQ sadly :(:ohyeah:
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

yeah but excessive traveling might affect the SQ.!

OH amarbir, my ear impressions have been shipped?

EDIT: ..sorry you said monday, OK i will ask on monday.
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

strategy said:
^ hmm...
now i am an optimist, i will filter out the good parts.
I'm kinda optimistic too so for your sake i hope it was just cuz it was a universal mold. I hope when they make a custom mold for your ears they sound a 100times better than what it sounded to me to justify the bomb your paying. Otherwise they're just low impedance Re1's. Lol. ;)

Im eagerly waiting for your impressions strategy on the Miracle before i remold my iems. Actually i'm just waiting to read your impressions say that they have a good treble and they are not really bassy or something like that. I will breathe a deep and heavy sigh of relief!!! I was really disappointed after trying the Universal remold of the Mage. It was like the most expensive sound system is made of Bose and Monster cabling and my bubble bursting after auditioning them and being truely heartbroken and unsatisfied. Ok that maybe a lil exaggerated but you get my point. :)
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

better to get he6+ef5
atleast thr will be no problem of getting a perfect earmould and fit
though the solution will b no more portable....
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

Guys ,
I Think The Discussion is Getting Out Of Context Here ,We Have The Audio Zone Section on Te for These Kinda Discussions .We All Can Participate There Right ,I Am Just Back from My Village And By Tommorow i Will Catch You Guys Up On Audio Zone Also ,Had a Lousy GPRS There
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

hay amarbir , impressions are on the way? i am impatient :P
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

strategy said:
hay amarbir , impressions are on the way? i am impatient :P
No ,

i got Stuck In The Village And Came To Chd Tonight .Tommorow They Would Be Out ,I Will Have To Get a Good Box for The Same Though .BTW did you get your HM-602 ?
Re: Unique Melody - Custom Earphones + Reshelling [ Exclusive Indian Sole Agent Lyn

will get them on 15th. they arrived at the address i gave them in gurgaon. will reach chhattisgarh on 15th.
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