Uniross vs sanyo vs envie battery charger

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hi guys one of my friend got me to buy a crap uniross charger which comes with 2500 nmah batteries for Rs 845 :( .......the batteries are not good and the charger wont charge any AAA batteries....

So I need to buy charger....the uniross standard charger is for around Rs 275

4 Cell Uniross Standard Battery Charger - 1Yr Warranty | eBay

and Evie one is available for Rs 225 to Ts 250

Envie AA/AAA Ni-MH Ni-Cd for Rechgble bat Quick Charger | eBay

both claim to charge AAA and AA batteries ......

plz suggest which one should I be buying...and which will be future proof.....the uniross one claimes it can only charge maximum of 1100 nmah AAA batteries though.....


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come on someone reply .....

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come on someone reply .....
Close your eyes and go for the Sanyo charger and batteries. Their quality if excellent. make sure that you buy them from a good ebay seller since lot's of fake Sanyo batteries are floating around.

Also, try Chroma. they stock Sanyo batteries too.
hi I got replies bit late... :P

I was thinking to go with sanyo charger only but I could not find any without the battery the cheapest one with 2 battery was around Rs 750 nd since I just need it for the mouse I did nt think I should spend another 1000 buks on the charger ( I alrdy got that crappy uniross charger which only does AA).

I think if croma had sayo charger and battery kit with them the day me nd my friend went to but it I would have gotten that only in the 1st place.....

well anyways currently I have bought this uniross standard charger which does AAA and AA both but does not have any kind of cut off I think like in the sanyo charger....lets see what happen...thx fr the help guys though :)
I am suing this Envie charger that i bought from ebay recently, its doing a good job till now and charges that battery withing 90 minutes...has a lcd display for comfort
uziel said:
I am suing this Envie charger that i bought from ebay recently, its doing a good job till now and charges that battery withing 90 minutes...has a lcd display for comfort

Which battery are you charging with this?

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uziel said:
I am suing this Envie charger that i bought from ebay recently, its doing a good job till now and charges that battery withing 90 minutes...has a lcd display for comfort

Which battery are you charging with this?
I'm using the chameleon quick charger to charge my Sanyo eneloop's. They are doing a pretty good job. I got them for free with my Canon camera. tried to find a ebay link for them but ebay doesn't seem to have it. Having said that i would still prefer to use a Sanyo battery charger with sanyo eneloop batteries.
cybertechie said:
Having said that i would still prefer to use a Sanyo battery charger with sanyo eneloop batteries.

I would prefer the Sanyo charger too but I can only find them with the Batteries, not without them. I have already spent 650 bucks on the batteries, I don't want to spend more on them.
nice to see the thread is still active ....Uniross charger is pretty good...but it does take time to get use those battery clips which have pretty hard spring for putting the AA and AAA battery...also the lack of auto cut or indicator that batteries are now fully charged...just has the normal indicator...

I think for the price really cant complain much it does its job i.e is charging which is good :)
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