Unknown 3digit nos on landline callerid

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I usually check nos of missed calls on my landline whenever i come home and i've been seeing some 3 digit numbers since two three months.
And to top it, one of these (top one) came while i was at home and phone didn't even ring. :S
So what are these numbers? i was thinking it might be some special code for phone plus services like call forward etc, but no such number is listed on BSNL site.
agantuk said:
Must be Reliance upto its games. Do you receive calls from the US or anywhere abroad?

no calls from outside country. Also, I'm a BSNL subscriber.

voip calls are 3 digit? wow.
yaa,they cant show actual no. as their is no actual phone no. calling so this is how they assign random no.

apart from that,i also get unknown no. calling on my mobile.
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