Unlimited BB plans in Noida

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Suggest any real BB unlimited plans i.e. without the FUP in Noida. Can spend upto 2k per month. Even if the FUP speed is ateast 1 Mbps, it would be fine.

Apologies if a thread already exists.
In which do sector you stay? I guess spectranet is offering some good BB plans. Once I had talked to spectranet people. Unfortunately it was not available in my society. May be you have some luck.
you can try Reliance Freedom plans in which they have this 1 mbps post FUP, but dont think they cover whole of NOIDA, a lot of sectors are left out including mine that is Sector 55.
All my friends here in Manipal are getting UNLIMITED 3G on their 400 ka BB plans. Don't know how but they just are!
All my friends here in Manipal are getting UNLIMITED 3G on their 400 ka BB plans. Don't know how but they just are!

I am using same on bb from the day airtel started 3g but its not for connect to pc and use if you do connect to pc and use it they will charge you extra.
Thanks guys
Will check them out.
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