CPU/Mobo Upgradation time-: need cpu + mobo (10k)

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hi guys,
i was planning a upgarde...can you help me out in deciding the best cpu + mobo combo for amd system ..budget is 8-10k....i need inbuilt graphics..don't intend to buy a graphics card....

present config

1) intel 1.6 + mobo 845
2)hard disk-: 80gb + 40gb
3) ram-:256 sd..(will sell it and get 512 ddr ram)
4) lg cd wrter + lg dvd rom
5) lg monitor

waiting for yur replies..
Tell us ur present config, some H/W may not be compatible with the upgrading h/w.
vinnick_2000 said:
i was planning a upgarde...can you help me out in deciding the best cpu + mobo combo for amd system ..budget is 8-10k....i need inbuilt graphics..don't intend to buy a graphics card....

In the November issue of CHIP there is a write up of an ASROCK Mobo - the price of 3500/- looks good - the street price can be lower - but I dont know if it is a good board - someone here will tell you if this is a stable board.

With this you would have enough left over for a CPU and possibly a cheap AGP Display card - this board has both AGP as well as PCIe Display slots.
Get the Gigabyte board or MSI board based on the nVidia 6100 onboard video with a 3000+ Venice. The total comes to 10,400 - Rs. 4400 for the Gigabyte board and 6K for the Venice.
i think 6100 will be a good solution for inbuilt graphics ..... and u can play latest games with low setting ...... but not all of them :)
^^ Digi Giga is hopeless, Gigabyte boards the mid end and the high end are one of the best mobos around, infact features wise they are absolutely fantastic.
Yep the Gigabyte 6100 (or 6150?) board seems like an enticing option at the moment to get onto the Socket 939 platform for cheap.

However, at the moment I would give the Gigabyte boards available here a serious thumbs down ! And yep I guess they're the ones manufactured at the Digi-Giga factory here in Goa. Of the 2 Gigabyte boards i've recommended to friends - both the same K8V800M-L board, both have developed weird problems within a span of 3 months in one case, and a span of 3 days in the other. Both boards had to be repaired/replaced , not to mention the number of hours wasted trying to troubleshoot it :P

Not sure if anyone else has faced these problems, but I would try opting for a more reliable brand :)
Are there any ASUS boards on the 6100 or 6150 ? I wsa informed at Delta that there was an ASUS board which costs 4.9K.
i think d only other 6150 board that has made it here is d Foxconn one- mumbai guys cud confirm this..? I think that every Mobo shud hav a Onboard Video option-its just gives a lotta flexibility!

As for d Asus board, it has been mentioned as avlbl on Rashi's site but then u never know...
delhiboy1000 said:
i think d only other 6150 board that has made it here is d Foxconn one- mumbai guys cud confirm this..? I think that every Mobo shud hav a Onboard Video option-its just gives a lotta flexibility!

As for d Asus board, it has been mentioned as avlbl on Rashi's site but then u never know...

Not everyone wants to pay for the shitty onboard video. More the number of transistors in the northbridge, less likely is it to aid overclocking.
Hi guys,

Is Venice 3000+ and A8N-VM CSM (6150)..a good combination...can anyone provide me the prices of these too..
can i play games like far cry,ut 2004, doom3,nfs 8..etc at low resolutions..

waiting for u replies...
I dont know about you guys but the next time I have 3.5k in my pocket I am definately going to get the ASROCK board I mentioned above - I will run my ancient AGP Geforce Ti 4200 till I can afford to buy a decent PCIe card... see Anand's benchies on this board....


Awesome scores man, thinking y is the price so damn low for the performance it gives????
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