Upgrade for Skyrim

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If you are willing to get a new 6790 then get sapphire 6790-8.2k or as dev suggested get used gtx460 or 6850 for 6-7k and it will good for you.
Audi0slave said:
which 6790 should I buy?

Would like to OC this as well.
No upgrade is required for 1280x1024. The game is not THAT demanding. You can get playable FPS with 9600 GT at High settings easily. First get the game, and then decide whether you need to upgrade.
^^ The 6850 is overall a better buy, primarily due to two reasons --

1) It is a full fledged card and performs pretty well in its price band and due to the optimization of the wafer harvests and architecture its power consumption is in check,

2) the 6790 is a stop gap card projected against the GTS 550 Ti, it is like the HD 5830 was put in between the HD 5770 and HD 5850 a stop gap measure,

3) so if you want to play Skyrim really recommend you to go for the HD 6850 over the 6790, also it will be future proof.

AMD Radeon HD 6790 1GB Review / AMD Radeon HD 6870 & HD 6850 Review / Radeon HD 6790 review.

Hope this helps Sire, cheers!!
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