0-20k Upgrading components for Gaming PC

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Hello again guys,

I've been on my existing configuration for around 4 years now and it has served me well but with my PC almost dead now(need to confirm if the mobo(775) is dead) I've decided to upgrade my system. I'm only upgrading only my CUP+Mobo and retaining the HD7790. I would like to retain my PSU which is a Corsair VX550. I've decided to go for the GA-H97-D3H or ASUS H97PLUS or their respective mATX version, I would like to take your recommendations between the Gigabyte and ASUS too but my main concern is if my PSU will be able handle all this hardware? If not, what are my options for the Mobo/CPU if i want to retain my PSU?

I hope I have explained my self enough, apologies if I have left out any detail. Would love to have some great advice from you guys.


  1. What is your budget?
    • 20K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel Core2Quad Q6600
    • Motherboard - Basic Intel
    • GPU - ATI Sapphire HD7790
    • RAM - Transcend 2X2GB
    • PSU - Corsair 550VX
    • WD 1TB Black Edition
    • CM Elite 330
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

    • Whatever Possible :)
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel 3.1 GHz LGA 1150 i5 4440
    • Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-H97/H97M-D3H or ASUS H97M/H97PLUS
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
    • RAM - 2X4GB Corsair Vengeance
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Cochin
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • None as of now
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • GTA series
    • COD Series
    • Racing - Grid at medium to high settings
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1280x720/FHD too
    2. Desktop - 1440x900
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 8 64 bit
Thank you ,@Crapmypants that's a relief to know. However I just learned that its my PSU that died and not the Mobo -_- . Anyway, I've decided that if i get the PSU replaced under warranty Ill go ahead with this upgrade. Any recommendation between the Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H and ASUS H97PLUS?
Thank you ,@Crapmypants that's a relief to know. However I just learned that its my PSU that died and not the Mobo -_- . Anyway, I've decided that if i get the PSU replaced under warranty Ill go ahead with this upgrade. Any recommendation between the Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H and ASUS H97PLUS?

Both are Good and reliable
Have you sent your PSU for replacement ?
Thank you, JJ.

I just left my PSU at Corsair for RMA but they said I will be provided only with a VS and not a VX as replacement. Is this good or bad? :(

Should I be asking for a CX at least?

Thank you
Thank you, JJ.

I just left my PSU at Corsair for RMA but they said I will be provided only with a VS and not a VX as replacement. Is this good or bad? :(

Should I be asking for a CX at least?

Thank you
You should ask for CX as its a 80+ bronze certified
VS is not good at all .
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Unfortunately, Corsair just doesn't want to give me anything better than a VS550 :(. Have been trying to convince them for something better,first the said they will only give me a VS450 and later said it was a typo for VS550. Finally I asked them if i could just pay a little more and get a CS or CX. Thats when they said I could pay 2k for CS550M. That was good news but now they say that was a typo too :X and I have to pay 2900 for CS550M.These are my standing offers
CX500M- Rs.2000
CS550M- Rs.2900
CS650M- Rs.3700

Should I pay rs2900 and get the CS500M over a VS550 for free?
Oh lucky you! Do you have any contact number for Bangalore? I only have their toll free number.[DOUBLEPOST=1421731252][/DOUBLEPOST]Just called on their toll free number. They say it's a strict policy and they can only give me a VS550 :( . Is VS550 at least equalant to VX? I need to upgrade some components soon as mentioned in the OP. Will VS be sufficient for that?
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Compared to the crappy VS Series CS550 is much better & Gold Certified but when you are paying 2.9K Are They giving any extra extended warranty ?

Compared to the crappy VS Series CS550 is much better & Gold Certified but when you are paying 2.9K Are They giving any extra extended warranty ?

Nope! Warranty will be valid only for 1 year :( This adds to the dilemma.
Wasn't the VX, 80PLUS certified? The VS isn't but Corsair says VS is functionally equivalent to the VX. Is this just some bull or...?
Was planning on buying a Vengeance RAM too but just don't feel like buying a Corsair now ..hmm..
The VS isn't but Corsair says VS is functionally equivalent to the VX. Is this just some bull or...?

Its some BS.

Corsair products are not that bad nor there after sales service is that bad. Since VX series is quite old, they are not having proper replacement.
Oh lucky you! Do you have any contact number for Bangalore? I only have their toll free number.[DOUBLEPOST=1421731252][/DOUBLEPOST]Just called on their toll free number. They say it's a strict policy and they can only give me a VS550 :( . Is VS550 at least equalant to VX? I need to upgrade some components soon as mentioned in the OP. Will VS be sufficient for that?

There was an thread earlier (here or on erodov). Raise the matter with corsair international, they will help you. Do not settle for lower.
One more thing - if they still dont replace it with another psu of equal or better quality then try to make sure whatever they give you is a new piece. If they still give you only a vs (it is their cheapest lineup of psu's) then sell it off and put the money towards a better psu.
Another option would be to haggle (or yell at them) to reduce the price of the cs550. it costs between 5.5-6.5k online and asking you to shell out nearly half the retail price seems very unfair. In fact the prices they quoted seem close to wholesale/distributor prices. ( i think the margins on psu's are about 40% but not sure)

Corsair says VS is functionally equivalent to the VX.
^I really hate it when they give such nonsensical statements. Treat this person like a "used car salesman" from now on.
whenever he says something like the above, inform him that the corsair website says "your wrong/lying to me".
A maruti and a mercedes have wheels and a steering wheel - ask him if he considers them "functionally equivalent"?
VX >> CX > VS.

But as vyral says, there isn't a direct replacement.
Woah, looks like that's quite a downgrade for me. Got an email telling they have already sent out the VS for me cause I dint confirm if I wanted to go for their offer within Wednesday. I had clearly emailed them saying don't sent out a unit without my confirmation. :( .

I have emailed Corsair Intl anyway,lets see. If they don't have an equivalent product , they should give a slightly better one I guess. Or at least offer a good discount on a bigger model.

Yep!They say they will let a dealer exchange my VS for a CS for 2.9k, that's almost 6.5k they are asking for a CS, which is the market price. And guess what? Ill only be eligible for 1 year warranty after paying this hefty price. :(
That's purely Cheating how can they send the PSU without confirmation they can't put pressure on you to accept a inferior product this is basically "Din Dahade Loot"
Go For The Corsair International Route as suggested by Chetansha.

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