CPU/Mobo Upgrading: CPU + Mobo + RAM suggestions

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My Current setup is:

  • E6600
  • Asus P5B Wifi AP
  • Gskill 2x1GBHZ 800Mhz (I have 4 but using only 2. Other two sticks need replacement maybe)
  • 460GTX
  • Other: Tagan BZ 700W + 6 HDDs etc


  • Mostly programming related - Visual studio, Eclipse etc.
  • VMWare/Virtualbox - Intend to run 2-3 images simultaneously. (Current setup doesn't support Intel VT, which is crucial to my work)
  • Heavy browsing - 50-100 tabs usually.
  • Gaming - occasional TF2, some RTS and such. Performance is fair in this department.

Reason for upgrade:

  • Sometimes the machine is too slow. Need to run more programs.
  • Need faster USB drives. Current ones are very slow. Maybe OS causing this, but the copying speed is terrible.
Preferred setup:

  • i5/i7
  • 4/8GB RAM
  • Basic Motherboard - I don't need something hifi as my exisiting board, but one PCI 16x
Budget: Looking to keep it between 10000 - 15000. Beyond that I will not really gain much. For my immediate needs I have a Q6600 + Abit IP35-e available from a friend.

I am open to AMD as well, IF i get performance advantage.

Most likely I will not overclock. I have not cleaned cabinet/removed heatsink for 2+ years :D Would bother to do that only for a major upgrade.

I purchased almost every component listed above with help of fellow TEians :) Thanks in advance for the help.
For ur purpose i7 2600(non k) wich is priced around 14k is recommended but due to budget restrictions u can go for followng components
i5 2400-9k
intel dh67-4.5k
corsair value rams-2.6k
if u can sell ur present rigs components (proc.+mobo+ram)den u can get abt 3-4k wich u cn invest 2 get i7 2600 wich is realy recommended fr ur work....
Intel Core i5 2400 - Rs. 9300
Intel DH67-BL - Rs.5000
G.Skill Ripjaws X 8GB (2x4GB) - Rs.2700

Total - Rs. 17000

Slightly over your budget, but don't look for anything less. The Core i5 2400 has both VT-d and VT-x which will help you a lot as you said.
If you dont want a fancy mobo ie., SATA 6Gbps support or USB 3.0 then go for a basic, stable H61 motherboard.

Intel Core i5 2400 ~ 9.3k

Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2-B3 ~ 3.5k

2* Gskill F3-10600CL9S-4GBNT ~ 2.2k

Total : 15k :)

This is a solid upgrade from the current setup both processing power and memory wise.

P.S: If you are not in a hurry you might wait till the AMD Bulldozer release on Sep 19. Then you can compare the performance of BD and SB and then decide on the platform.

The 990X AMD mobos would be costly but there are cheap AM3+ mobos around. But then these might not support the value additions of the BD processors. So wait till reviews are out with both the mobo types. Decide based on performance.
hmmm ... e6600 is VT enabled .... Intel® Core

yeh intel ki website keh rahiii haiii ...

and for Virtual Machines, add plethora of RAM 8 GiB or more and a Entry level Dual Core 2100/Athlon II x4 if VM machines runs stateless apps with Large Working sets ELSE if they are Statefull for CPU Cycles... go for 2600K and p67 and RAM as needed...

and if ur VMs are stateless, keep current setup , Eat well and do a Small OverClock, buy some RAM (Adata 2GB DDR II - 1200/- | Corsair @ theitbazaar.com is 1100/- ) ... arthatt Stick to current Hardware ... unless to need E.P.T/Nested Paging for something that needs it mandatory.

and if u add RAM , browsing [ and tweak ur VMware( Workstation i suppose ) ]and Slow V.Ms issue will be Go Went Gone..

But if it is Stateful Case, go for Sandy Quads and don't consider Bulldozer as it will eventually bulldoze AMD.

and for using VT-d (IOMMU), u need a Q Series Chipset Mobo which indeed raise TCO
Thanks everyone. I think next month I will buy the i7/mobo/RAM.

For now, I need a machine to get some work moving, hence put up WTB thread for a Quad core CPU and motherboard with VT-x. I can use my current setup and later the Quad core in my office. Its better than selling it off.
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