If the savefiles do not work, go to my games\transformers\transgame\savedata\
and then you see the savefiles named like jojothedragon.transprofile, etc etc. So right click on these files and rename them with the username of your computer account in place of "jojothedragon"
Darksiders Save. I don't know which level these saves contain. It "might" contain the save you need. But it surely contains the save for the last battle.
Dead Rising 2. Ending S Saves. Load slot 2 and you directly get to the boss fight of Ending S sequence. And Slot 1 contains the save after you finish the Ending S sequence
I had to put off Batman Arkham Asylum[PC] game for around a month due to my exam. Last week I just had some mess up with my computer and lost my save files of the game.. :'(