Urgent Help Required :PSP battery crashed(not charging) !

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Analog Vibes
heres the story :(please please ..read the whole story..in order to understand the problem..and if possible post any solution that comes to your mind )

i had previously modded a Non-T082 PSP on firmware 2.60 using just the software mods. ie- the downgrader and and Custom firmwares.

i used the awesome guide posted by Spacescreamer and a bit of research on google..

everything went perfectly ..and it was done.

now...another friend got a PSP ..which was on firmware 2.82 and ..a TA-082 motherboard ie- IC 1003..

so software modding was impossible.

the only thing possible was .modding using the pandora battery or ..by using the GTA unpatched UMD..

as i already had the earlier modded PSP with me ..i though of creating a jigjack battery and magic memory stick kit..(ie-pandora battery )

i used dis guide to make the pandora battery :

Super noob guide to making pandora battery and memorystick - MaxConsole Forums

everything went perfectly..i was sucessful in making a pandora battery ..

and the magic stick.. using the already modded PSP and the new unmodded PSP's battery.

then i inserted the magic stick and pandora battery in the PSP to be modded..the pandora battery program started with the green and ornage light... i got a message

press X to downgrade the PSP to 1.5

i pressed X, it started some extracting files. and then suddenly i got the message..

Battery charge should be more than 50 %..and the PSP reboots..

after that every time i tried using the battery i got the same message..so even tried charging the battery for 3-4 hrs..but still the same..

so in the end i converted back the pandora battery to normal battery using the pandora battery creator in the modded PSP..

and i was sucessful in doing so by converting the id storage number to.

x012345678(something like that)

but then when i tried using the battery in any of the PSP..

the PSP didnt startup..as the battery was totally discharged..

so i connected the DC adapter for charging..

the orange charging light came up..

the light was there for 10-12 seconds..and then suddenly the charging stopped i tried starting the PSP with the battery it didnt start.

i connected the external dc adapter and the PSP booted

i went in system settings ...and saw battery status

this is what i see :

under 'battery information' the charge level shows as 0%, but (even plugged into the powr source) the battery status says Charge complete, hours left says -, and power source says external, when the external power source is disconnected, the psp shuts off instantly.

this repeats every time i turn off the PSP and try restarting it ..

orange light lights up for 10-12 seconds..and the nthe battery stops charging showing charge complete but in reality..the charge is 0 %.

theres no problem with any of the 2 PSP's or the charger...as i tried charging the other PSP..its working perfectly...

i dunno whats wrong with the battery ...but i googled..and dis some research..

this is what i got..

MAXCONSOLE - Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Nintendo DS PSP Gamecube Nintendo WII Revolution - To the MAX!

looks like a similar problem.expect in my case battery starts charging for few secs and den stops ..!

i tried shorting the battery ..as the solution given in above link...but still its the same..

i even kept battery out of the PSP for 1 whole night and tried..but still the same..

then even kept it in the PSP and connected the charger for whole night..but still no charging !!

now i dont know what to do..

i still have the 2 PSP's working perfectly ..and but only the 1 battery is crashed..

i want to bring it back to life...

so please help me out guys...

i just hope that the Battery is not dead !!

cause..da worst thing ..is its not my PSP..but a frnds PSP..though he wont mind..as i had already warned him about ..the consequences..

but me affording a new battery is almost out of question !

thanx in advance..
Why don't u use a external power adapter and force charge the battery, have u tried doing this. Also do u have a Multi-meter if yes have u checked the battery voltage with it.

By external power adapter i mean a AC to DC the same as u get with your router etc... But the power rating should not exceed above 3 v and 500 m.a.
Even u get a 5v charger which usually charges faster but dont use it. Also u will need a zener diode [Not necessary only to avoid reverse voltage flow].
Just connect the +ve terminal to +ve terminal of the battery u will need some needle or something to fix the wire inside the battery connector & -ve terminal to -ve terminal. And start the adapter see what happens if it charges or not. If u have a Multimeter than it will be real handy to confirm this.

And do the above thing removing the battery and not connecting connected to the PSP....

Check this u will get an idea....... nothing similar to what i have written but u will get an idea how charging and stuff works.......
The PSP Power Brick
andrew327 said:
Why don't u use a external power adapter and force charge the battery, have u tried doing this. Also do u have a Multi-meter if yes have u checked the battery voltage with it.

By external power adapter i mean a AC to DC the same as u get with your router etc... But the power rating should not exceed above 3 v and 500 m.a.

Even u get a 5v charger which usually charges faster but dont use it. Also u will need a zener diode [Not necessary only to avoid reverse voltage flow].

Just connect the +ve terminal to +ve terminal of the battery u will need some needle or something to fix the wire inside the battery connector & -ve terminal to -ve terminal. And start the adapter see what happens if it charges or not. If u have a Multimeter than it will be real handy to confirm this.

And do the above thing removing the battery and not connecting connected to the PSP....

yeah nice ideas thanx a lot..

this is what even my dad suggested ...he said that force charging it for a few seconds /mins may help...

but i dont have any of the required hardware to the above...

and any place where i can get this done ??

some electronic repair shop or something ?

more suggestions guys.. ??
andrew327 said:
If u can come to my place i can help u.......

yeah if u live in mumbai and if its near from navi mumbai too...i can try comin to u r place..so where do u live ??.

by da way do u have da tools needed to perform the tasks mentioned in the above reply of urs ? do tell me ..i wont mind coming ..if u can help me ..bring this battery back to life..

anywaz thanx a lot for the help..and ur offer.!

i friend of mine told me that i can also get it done from a good mobile repair shop..and some1 who repairs these mobiles/batteries and all..

guys any more solution/suggestions ??

no more replies guys ??,.

plzz suggest something ...this battery ..just doesnt come back to life !!

what do i do ?
Quad Master said:
Dont we get a new battery from sony outlets

yeah we do...but i cant buy a new battery and gift to my friend..just because one is not responding..cause i dont think its totally dead...

u see i am not that rich ..:P

will ask him to buy one for himself..incase nothin works out..

by da way how much does a new PSP battery pack cost ??

if any one ..has anymore suggestions for ..the above problem plzz ..do post..

or else maybe i will have to try some dedicated PSP hacks site..:(
The same thing happened 2 me yesterday. Ive been trying 2 find out how 2 fix it but no luck!:(
iv used my psp(fat) battery 4 pandora and am using 5.00m33-6. I tryed charging my psp over night but didnt work.

PS:If u find out how 2 fix please please! please!! please!!! tell me:huh:
AND just incase ur wundering i used pandora before and converted battery back to normal battery. every thing had been working fine since ages, Then THIS happened!
Till date, I havent found a solution :P I had to get a new Battery pack ..and use the non-working as pandora .
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