PC Peripherals Urgent: Which DVD writer to buy?

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Hi guys,

Please suggest which DVD writer (SATA of course) is currently best in terms of performance & reliability, mention the price too.

My 4 year old Sony IDE still works fine, but every single time I struggle to insert & eject disk with paper pin :@

Lite-On IT Corporation Global - iHAS324

eBay India: Lite-ON 24x Internal SATA DVD / CD Writer Rewriter (item 140429533773 end time 27-Jul-2010 00:30:00 IST)

Use a coupon and get it cheaper. Alternately, you can buy it directly from the dealer - http://www.techenclave.com/dealers-paradise/lite-24x-internal-sata-dvd-cd-171330-2.html

There's not much research to be done prior to getting a DVD burner these days. Gone are those days when one used to search for the reviews on cdfreaks and used to swear by those Benq and Liteon drives. Any drive can burn the data decently well provided the media is good. :P
Thanks...Desecrato. :)

Agreed that read/write performance of all drives are more or less the same, but tray getting stuck has always been an issue. From my past experience Samsung & LG were the first ones to show those symptoms :P
^Hah my room-mate's Sony DRU820A shows similar symptoms and yet he cannot part with the drive. :bleh:
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