[URGENT] Which Ebook Reader from US?

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As the title says, want to get an Ebook reader from US (Wont prefer new ones like Cruz Reader et al). Would prefer colour screen+Wifi+PDF Support (3G not essential).

Budget would be max: 220 USD.

Please give your suggestions, thanks!
As you prefer a color screen, the Nook Color is your best bet.

If you feel like going for a e-Ink based B & W reader, go for the Amazon Kindle 3 available for 139 USD.
Darthcoder said:
I can read *Ahem* PDF books on both Nook color and Kindle, right?

Sorry for n00b questions :(
Easily. It supports the Android OS. With a proper ROM, the possibilities are endless. :P

Kindle doesn't have a color version AFAIK. Don't think Amazon is planning to retail one anytime soon. If you do not require a color display, I'd suggest the Kindle 3 over Nook Color.
I mean if Nook color supports Android, I can use it as a fully functional mini laptop right?
That would be awesome right? Why would anyone choose a kindle over a nook in that case? 30 dollars isnt that much of a difference in price or is it?
Any other issues with Nook color?
The reason some people choose Kindle over the Nook is that Kindle has eInk display which is the closest to print on paper you can get. Nook on the other hand has an LCD screen. It will be very similar to a Tablet computer. If you are going to read for longer durations, you might feel miserable with the Nook color. It will be like reading from a computer screen which is extremely easy and convenient to hold. And then there is the factor of battery life. Nook being an LCD display won't provide a good battery life. On the question of reading *ahem* pdf sources, there are actually very few solutions (which I am not aware off).
Darthcoder said:
I mean if Nook color supports Android, I can use it as a fully functional mini laptop right?

That would be awesome right? Why would anyone choose a kindle over a nook in that case? 30 dollars isnt that much of a difference in price or is it?

Any other issues with Nook color?
Mini laptop would be a bit too much dontcha think DC saar? :D

I think Nook comes bundled with a limited edition version of Quickoffice - suffices to browse through pdfs and MS Office files. You cannot edit them though. I am not sure of any other app that can do that. Plays .mp4 files natively.

Choosing Kindle over Nook Color - well that could possibly be attributed to a personal choice. Some prefer the e-ink display over the color screen because of the better readability. The color capacitive display on the NC leeches a lot of power and thus affects the battery life as well.
kindle is your are going to read a lot and want something with is as close to real paper as possible and is very very portable. else nook.

kindle will have a battery life of atleast 15-25 days depending on usage. nook colour will last a couple of days. though if you are going to be reading pdf, i will suggest stick to nook colour. most pdf's wont convert well to mobi format,and with kindle, reflow isnt supported

Darthcoder said:
As the title says, want to get an Ebook reader from US (Wont prefer new ones like Cruz Reader et al). Would prefer colour screen+Wifi+PDF Support (3G not essential).

Budget would be max: 220 USD.

Please give your suggestions, thanks!
OK. I am a bit more clear now.
I want a dedicated Ebook reader and not a mish-mash device.
Kindle supports PDFs well? Most of the stuff I read is PDF so please advice.
bitsandpieces, PDF support aint that great on Kindle? :(
If you want a dedicated eBook reader, you will have to forget your PDF requirements. That's the way things stand right now. And it has everything to do with the limitations of the PDF format more than anything else. It's a Post script format. If there was an eBook reader that would fit your requirement, everyone would be buying that.
Gannu said:
Mini laptop would be a bit too much dontcha think DC saar? :D

Choosing Kindle over Nook Color - well that could possibly be attributed to a personal choice. Some prefer the e-ink display over the color screen because of the better readability. The color capacitive display on the NC leeches a lot of power and thus affects the battery life as well.
Yes. The e-ink display has better readability than the colour display. But I concur with Gannu when he says that you should get a Netbook if you plan to do things other than just reading ebooks. It would even offer you a bigger screen than the Kindle plus a variety of netbooks are available locally.

Comparing prices, the Nook color would cost you (after duties) almost as much as a Samsung N148 Netbook available locally.
nehaladsul said:
Yes. The e-ink display has better readability than the colour display. But I concur with Gannu when he says that you should get a Netbook if you plan to do things other than just reading ebooks. It would even offer you a bigger screen than the Kindle plus a variety of netbooks are available locally.

Comparing prices, the Nook color would cost you (after duties) almost as much as a Samsung N148 Netbook available locally.

Err where have I mentioned a 'netbook' in my post(s)? :S
Darthcoder said:
Yeay, Ordering a Kindle tonight then :D
Beech! :P
Darthcoder said:
OK. I am a bit more clear now.

I want a dedicated Ebook reader and not a mish-mash device.

Kindle supports PDFs well? Most of the stuff I read is PDF so please advice.

bitsandpieces, PDF support aint that great on Kindle? :(
if you want a dedicated ebook reader then it is kindle all the way. but yes, most times pdf will suck.

a pdf with simple text wont be that painful. but a two columnar pdf or pdf with images embedded wont convert well. and if you load the pdf directly to kindle, it will actually resize the entire page to kindle screen which will make the font too small. ofcourse you can zoom in, but reading that way is too much of a pain.

btw, there is hope in getting better pdf support and even epub. Duokan – the alternative Kindle OS – in english – flip's

duokan is basically a kinda rockbox for kindle :P with the latest kindle 3.1 update, duokan didnt work for me, but with older ones it works pretty well :)

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avi said:
Why dont you read my review ? - http://www.techenclave.com/reviews-and-previews/barnes-and-noble-nook-color-184459.html

Nook Color is available at $200 now.

Not days, 8-12 hours.
normal usage i meant. see if you read for 20 odd days for 24 hours a day, kindle is also not going to last that long. i am assuming usage of about 4 hours a day give or take :)
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